Hll from our archive of yearly compilations of films...
Saturday (22.00-Midnight)
Culture Clash – Sid Sharma
Get Good – Francois
Weston-Super-Mare – Dan Blore
Night on the tiles – Nimph Productions
Tom Swindell – Mali
John Minton - What Makes you feel Alive?
Kwesi Johnson - Screen Shift Test shoot
Chuen Hung Tsang - Frangipani
Immortality - Dave Lander
As Time Goes By - Redcliffe Films
This is Brenda (Episode 3) - Brenda & Zibi
Remembering Formby - Sue Elliott
Kundama Street Song - Thetreatmentworx
Invasion of the Mutant Housewife! - Amie Nowlan
Sunday (20.00-22.30ish)
My Dream/My Reality - Jon Hardy/Scubaboy
Flat Footed Apocalypse - Martin Lejeune
10 - Greg Metcalfe
Slice of Life - Steve Beckett
Quizmaster - Sam Haire
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas
Life and Times - Piski Films
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
Nelson Street - Southsection
Seven Hills - Ben Edwards
Keeppie Uppie - James Stokes and Joe Ryan
The Ram Inn – Sebastian Nolan/Chris Bradford/James Atkinson
Rusty Road less Travelled – Woody James
Maja – Chris Barnett
Mr Hopkinsons Dancing Hula Bear Slo-mo film
Fabios Supernormal Photos
Thanks to all at Supernormal, the Pentagram Cinema and the above Filmmakers. Made great watching!