Old News Archive
2016 News in reverse!
Films Screened 16.11.16 at Bluescreen
Rescore - Cube Orchestra 15 mins
Wimpy - Diana Taylor 3 mins
Elizabeth - Jess Cox 12 mins
Below The Neck – Sam Wiggins 7 mins
New Art – Thomas Yang 6 mins
Lemonade – Thomas Yang 5 mins
Finding – Loki Cao 5 mins
Game Trail – Ewan Wilson 6.30 mins
Unbearable Lightness Of Being – Adam Polhodzik 2 mins
Where The Wild Things Are – Keef Chemistry 6 mins
No Seville Oranges – Solomon Kelly 18 mins
Bearpit/Fearpit – Victoria Williams 11 mins
A Beautiful View – Jack Li 4 mins
Not Screened
Xi Sheng – Yawen Kang/Cindy 10 mins
Problem with film, we tried every which way to screen it but sadly just wouldn’t play. She said she will bring another copy back to January’s Bluescreen.
A great way to end a great (15th) year for Bluescreen, with a busy night of great films! Thanks everyone for coming and to filmmakers for bringing in your films. Bluescreen is what you bring in to screen :)
If you have links to your films, post them over here https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms/ and we will re-post and add them to our YouTube and Vimeo channels.
We will be screening films again January 18th, see you then and happy holidays!
22/10/16 - November Event & Poster
Links/details to next Bluescreen and Poster (thanks Elena!) are below...
16.11.16 is the date for your diary for the last Bluescreen of 2016... Join Us!
Bluescreen Cube Cinema Event Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/id/8802/
Bluescreen Facebook Event Page:
Poster by Elena
18/09/16 - Films Screened 14/09
Here's what was screened at Bluescreen on 14/09/16
Strange - James Hankins 8 minutes
Snail Party - Richard Edkins 3.5 mins
The Stack - Wayne Lee 20 mins)
Stokes Croft 2010 - Katy Bauer 3.33 mins
Ballet - Katy Bauer 1.30 mins
Worlds of Sounds - Soloman Kelly 7.10 mins
Enough to Get By - Kieran O'Donovan 8.5 mins
An Adaptation of West Side Story - Jasmine Rider 10 mins
William - Ted Rayner 0.30 mins
Up Kinder Scout - Ted Rayner 2.30 mins
Sleeping - Miguel Fonseca 3 mins
The Ring - Beatriz Pinto 5 mins
I Like Grave - Jamie Mcloughlin 2 mins
As ever, thanks for coming and screening your Films!
Links to the Films to follow on Facebook this week...
And our next Bluescreen and the last of 2016, is November 16th, see you then!
14/09/16 - Bluescreen Tonight!
27/08/16 - Next Bluescreen - Sept 14th
Here's a coupla links to Sept 14th event:
Cube Cinema Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,8801/
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/576490562533953/
21/07/16 - Films at Bluescreen last night
Wow what a great night that was!
So many great films...Thanks to everyone who came down and thanks for bringing your films along :)
No Cube Orchestra last night but we had 15 Film in totaling 1 hour and 43 minutes worth of films on screen and here's what we screened...
Whispers - Sam Haire 1.30 minutes
Dog Not Man – Ben Thomas & Robyn Hobbs 6.00mins
In The Age Of Apathy – Ben Thomas & Robyn Hobbs 4.00mins
Barcelona Hyperlapse – Ian Skriczka 5.00mins
Cityscape – Diana Taylor 3.45mins
Mr Wellbys Cross – David Price 8.00mins
Kabul Sunset – Graham Egar 16.00mins
Don’t Call Me Baby – Dane Rayment 8.00mins
Paranoia – Glen Pearson 15.00mins
West Side – Jasmine Rider 12.00mins
Den Sniffe – Matthew Nesbith 1.30mins
Broken – Nick Stiddard 15.00mins
Pinch-Get Up – Tom Mansfield 4.04mins
Radeks Chocolate – Tom Mansfield 2.24mins
Simple Print Studio – Tom Mansfield 1.12mins
We will post links up to the above films that we can find online over on Bluescreen's Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms over the next week or so.
Thanks again and we are back Sept 14th.
See you all then!
12/07/16 - July 20th Poster
Our next event Poster designed by Elena
01/07/16 - July 20th Next Bluescreen!
Here's some links to July's Bluescreen on the 20th. Feel free to share!
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1759584900922439/
Cube Cinema Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/id/8708/
19/05/16 - Films at Bluescreen 18/05
Bit of a quiet Bluescreen last night... but it did give us the excuse to put on one of our sought after DVD compilations! which we almost never have time to do anymore.
But big thanks to all who came along last night and we will be back on July 20th.
So here’s what we screened…
Found Footage – Cube Orchestra 15 minutes
Ex Demiurgus – Oliver Paglia 10.26 mins
Man of Phenomenal Normality – Bradley Ayres 5 mins
False Wake – Finn Waterman 5 mins
And 2011 Compilation…
Burly - Rob Turner 0.28 mins
Lyrebird Soup - Naren Wilks 3.33 mins
Bristol 24 Hour Time Lapse/ Beside Myself – Microfilm 7.03 mins
Deconstruction - David Lander 2.56 mins
Portrait of a Frenchman - Sam Haire 5.14 mins
Test - Claire Alberie 4.28 mins
Drained - Sarah Jayne Learmonth 2.15 mins
Optimum – Southsection 4.11 mins
Recycled Teenagers - Zibi Ambroziak 9.58 mins
The Cube - Danae & Sigi 4.44 mins
El Griffini: Portrait of the Genius - Kristen Griffin 2.38 mins
Ruby (The Wurzels) - James Reed 3.34 mins
14/05/16 - Bluescreen This Week!
30/04/16- Bluescreen:The Documentary!
Yes, someones made a documentary about us! Thanks to Dominic Wade for all his work in getting this made and to all who were interviewed or helped out in any way.
Here it is...
30/04/16 - Bluescreen Thanks!
Huge thanks from Bluecreen aka Steve/Tess/Ben to everyone who came out and celebrated 15 years of Bluescreen on Wednesday! For those of you who couldnt make it, here's a picture of our Birthday Cake, which tasted as good as it looked! Special thanks to Dominic for the documentary about Bluescreen, I think it caught the essence of Bluescreen :)
Also thanks to the Cube Orchestra and Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs and all the folks at the Cube and lastly and firstly all the Filmmakers who have screened at Bluescreen, without whom... Here's to the next 15 years!
27/04/16 - 15th Birthday Films Screened!
Last night you came and you saw....
(Films/Directors/Orig Date Screened)...
Art Films - Cube Orchestra 26-Apr-16
Bluescreen Docu - Dominic Wade 26-Apr-16
We're Going To The Moon, Then Coming Back Again - Keef Chemistry /Cube Orchestra 26-Apr-16
A Trip In The City - Steve Parsons 26-Apr-01
The Battle Of Cable Street - Toby Trackman/Yoav Segal 30-Mar-05
Bad Dad - Tasha Hollywood 23-Apr-03
Jamm TV - Chris Barnett 18-May-04
Wheres My Spleen - James Pendlington 15-Sep-04
Land of Dreams (Transpersonals promo) - Piski Films 15-May-13
Charley Harry's Wondrous Nothing - Esther May Campbell 17-Mar-04
Mandogs - Oliver Purches 28-Nov-07
DIG DEEP - Muscat/Southsection 13-Jul-05
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews 25-Jan-12
Dewis' Hat trick - Matthew Walters 2003
No Sunday of Rest for the Wicked - Philip Head 25-Mar-09
Collide-O-Scope - Naren Wilks 27-Jan-10
Doug Tabbard: Human Curler - Dylan Radclyffe 30-Apr-08
1000 Voices - Tim Travers Hawkins 20-Jan-16
I dont want to fall in love.. - Kid Carpet/Wrongboy 02-Jun-08
Ordered Numbers - Mr Hopkinson 20-May-15
Felixs Machine - Tom Mansfield 25-Mar-09
The Cube - Danae & Sigi 30-Mar-11
Gentlemen - Graeme Maguire 10-Sep-14
Asbo Shepherd - Woody Morris 23-Mar-16
Once again we thank you for all the films from the last 15 years! We will be posting up some of these films over the next week for you to enjoy again on Facebook.
Bluescreen is back May 18th!
10/04/16 - 15th Birthday Party Tickets!
Roll Up Roll Up! Just a few weeks until we celebrate 15 years!
And here's the Ticket link if you want to secure a seat for Bluescreens 15th Birthday Party
And heres the Facebook Event Page link: https://www.facebook.com/events/595855887257882/
See you 26.04.16 !
24/03/16 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 23/03
And here’s what we screened last night at Bluescreen:
Starlings - The Cube Orchestra 9 minutes
Heaven: A Documentary – Bertie H Smith 4.30 mins
This Is My – Callum Rothwell 5 mins
Outlawed Vineyards – Joaquin Fernand 19.59 mins
Steel Is Real But Carbon Is Quicker – Dominic Wade 1 mins
Praze & Beeble (Part 1) – Phil Whitmore 11 mins
Praze & Beeble (Part 2) – Phil Whitmore 12 mins
But The Paint Comes Through – Niyaz Saghari 19.58 mins
In Deaths Valley – Diana Taylor 2.04 mins
Cube Orchestra Trailers – Keef Chemistry 1.30 mins
Asbo Shepherd – Woody Morris 5.35 mins
Over 90 minutes’ worth of films brought in last night! Well done all and thanks for the films! And thanks to all who attended, supported and the Cube Volunteers who make Bluescreen happen every time.
Our next open screening is May 18th, but before then…
April 26th… Happy Birthday to us… Bluescreen will be 15! And we are throwing a party!
Expect Films from the last 15 years, the premiere of a documentary about Bluescreen, something special from the Cube Orchestra, Bluescreen Hi-Fi Djs old and new, and… Cake!
Tickets available now online via Cube website, so hope to see you all then :) http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen-is-15,8552/
23/02/16 - Next Event March 23rd
Here's the Facebook link for our next Opening Screening event: Wed 23rd March @ 19.30 https://www.facebook.com/events/160096254363799/
Spread the word!
23/02/16 - Bluescreens 15th Birthday!
April 26th - On exactly this day 15 years ago Bluescreen was born!
To celebrate this happy event we’ve put together a programme of films that represent the many wonderful creations we have received and screened at Bluescreen over the years.
Plus the world premiere of The Bluecreen documentary.
Expect some friends from Bluescreens past.
And Cake!
The Cube Orchestra will kick off the event with a special rescore and Bluescreen Hi-Fi spinning tunes in the bar all evening.
And in a first for Bluescreen.... Tickets will be on sale prior to the Event! Look out for the Ticket link... coming soon
10/02/16 - Upcoming Events
Our next event will be with you on March 23rd and then...
On April 26th we will be hosting Bluescreens 15th Birthday Party! Celebrating 15 years of screening short films.. more details to follow soon!
22/01/16 - Films Screened 20/01/16 at Bluescreen:
Cube Orchestra Rescore - The Soft Side Of Heavy – Yuyu Zhang/Ben Williams-Butt 7 mins
Dirigo Film Festival trailor – Dirigo Film Festival 1.30 mins
Screen Test – Becki Couch 4 mins
Untitled – Laura Aish/Angela Piccini 11.10 mins
Helsinki – Lizzy Holbrook 3.25 mins
Cranes, Trains & Heritage – Dane Rayment 8 mins
Nightmare – Graham Egarr 8 mins
1000 Voices – Tim Travers Hawkins 8 mins
Bastogne – Mark Ashford 3.30 mins
One Night Only - Issa Pevuigvino 15.30 mins
Time Out – Dominic Wade 3.50 mins
The Long Way Home – Isaac Cochrane 15.00 mins
Countdown Fractal – Pablo Cuevas 5 mins
Wild & Almost Extinct – Pablo Cuevas 4 mins
Sir Pip and Carp Khan – Ted Raynor 45 secs
15 Films, nearly 100 minutes of screentime!
Thanks everyone for your films last night, it was a great way to start off 2016 and also our 15th Birthday year!
If you have any links to your films please let us know and we will post them on our Facebook/Twitter pages.
We are back March 23rd, see you then!
2015 (In reverse)
03/12/15 - Films Screened last night
02/12/15 In roughly this order we screened these films at Bluescreen ..
Weston Super Nightmare - Cube Orchestra 20 minutes
Beverley – Alexander Thomas/Cass Pennant 20 mins
I’m Still Luke – Sonia Wargacka 6 mins
Video Dub Plate #2 [Don Bass] – Denis Skachidub 9 mins
The Art of Hand Shaping – Ali Auchincioss 2 mins
Bent Canvas Shorts – Bronwyn Harvey 9 mins
Natalie – Aaron Sandhu & Jocelyn Stokes 4 mins
Quake – Erin Malley 5.30 mins
Lost a Day Today – Keef/Cube Orchestra 6 mins
Completely – Jason Baker 3.30 mins
Craft of Beer – Tom Mansfield 2 mins
Felixs Machine – Tom Mansfield 2.30 mins
Once in Whitley Bay – Diana Taylor 2 mins
Thanks all for coming to our last Bluescreen of 2015. It was a wonderful and eventful evening! And thanks for bringing in some really great films yet again! And we managed to get everyones film on screen.. in the end :) If you have any links to the above films then please feel free to post them on our Facebook page. And thanks to the Cube Orchestra, who for the first time ever rescored something new to Bluescreen! And hope you all enjoyed the Samosas..
Next one is January 20th.. until then :)
22/10/15 - Films screened at Bluescreen 21/10
Snakes & Ladders – Diana Taylor 3 minutes
The Hair Story – Sonia Wargacka 20 mins
Any Time Any Place – Martin Hall 5 mins
Alice in Motion – Ariane Parry 2 mins
Apologies Accepted – Zac Ioannidis 4 mins
By A Thread – Tom Gran & Kayleigh Gibbons 1.32 mins
[I am the Sun] Video Dub Plate # 1 – Denis Skachidub 12.38 mins
Azores: Islands of Adventure – Vijay Shah 9.30 mins
Dancers on the Sand – Libby Duplock 1.47 mins
And from the Bluescreen Archives…
One Man, Eight Cameras – Naren Wilks (2014)
The Claw – Nathan Hughes/Jacob Parish (2012)
Thanks everyone for coming down and great films yet again!
If you have any links to any of your films, please feel free to post them on our Facebook Page.
We are back for our last Bluescreen of the year on December 2nd, so except a few surprises and treats :)
13/09/15 - Octobers Bluescreen Coming 21.10.15
Useful Links for our next Bluescreen, which will be coming to you from The Cube Cinema are here:
Cube Cinema Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,7858/
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/505246189637883/
Feel free to share links. Thanks.
11/09/15 Films screened at Sept 9th Bluescreen
The Cube Orchestra began with rescoring a selection of films from our 2003-5 DVD Archive. Then we screened…
Keef Chemistry – It Came from the Dark Star (8.00 mins)
Andrew Williams – Birwells Cave (15.00)
Tia Salisbury – The Mediterranean Sea (2.00)
Jaime Pardo – Monobrow (4.00)
Das Speculoos – Mr Jubbly (3.06)
Oliver Mueller – Medieval Monsters ( 10.23)
And from our 2006 Compilation…
Sid Sharma - Culture Clash (11.0)
Francois - Get Good (10.30)
Dan Blore - Weston-Super-Mare (4.30)
Nimph Productions - Night on the Tiles (1.30)
Max Broughton - 6 Degrees of Separation (8.70)
Kwesi Johnson - Body Language (2.80)
Alex Mackay - Untitled (1.25)
Duncan Speakman - 29 Fragile Days (6.31)
Thanks for coming and thanks for bringing in your films, a great selection of films yet again! And also great to show a few films from the Bluescreen archive last night.
We are back Oct 21st, but will post some films from last night on our Facebook Page over the next few days.
16/08/15 - Sept Bluescreen Coming 09/09/15
Not long now until the next Bluescreen, time enough to get those last minute edits done :) And here's some links to click and share with fellow filmmakers:
Facebook Event Page is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/922776627765669/
Cube Cinema Page is here: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,7857/
24/07/15 - Films Screened on July 22nd
An nice intimate and cosy evening of screening films at Bluescreen and a q & a too, hope you enjoyed the night, we did :) And here's what we screened..
The Cube Orchestra started things off by rescoring a few films from our Archive and then we showed...
James Jones Morris - What Did I Do (4.20mins)
Wayne Lee - The Unspoken Truth (19.56)
Diana Taylor - Dockside Dreaming (4.00)
Matt Brierley - Bristol's Urban Badgers (4.33)
Anna/Tom - Run (1.30)
And from our 2014 Bluescreen Compilation we showed...
Naren Wilks - One Man Eight Cameras (2.25)
Jez Toogood - Frome Voices (12.10)
Eva Freeman - Moving Painting (2.15)
Pablo de las Cuevas - My Bristol Lapse (4.55)
Andy Oxley - Born To Be Mild (15.03)
Thanks all for coming and bringing in your films, we will posting some of them up on our FB Page over the next few days.
Our next event is Sept 9th, see you all there!
03/07/15 - July Event 22/07/15
Our next event is now up on Facebook here, please share and join! https://www.facebook.com/events/1447598295543137/
21/05/15 - Films Screened last Night
Thanks everyone for bringing in your films last night! A quieter night people wise than previous Bluescreens but made up by the number and quality of the films we screened, thanks again.
So we screened 14 Films, plus a few from the Bluescreen archive, rescored by the Cube Orchestra, all totalling just over a 100 minutes of screentime! Heres what we screened…
Started off with several Archived Films rescored by the Cube Orchestra 10 minutes
Video Portrait – Sidnay Banks 3 minutes
Endless Stream – David Schlaphirst 5.50 minutes
Yeoman - David Schlaphirst 3.50 minutes
Stewy, Wollstonecraft and Graffiti – Dominic Wade 16 minutes
Hippo +47 – Richard Edkins/Ichi 4 minutes
Kitchen – Hyunjee Song 8 minutes
Light Show – Laura Aish 2 minutes
Thought Police – Diana Taylor 2 minutes
Mivazaki – Jasmine Rider 15 minutes
Dirigo Film Trailer – Jasmine Rider 1 minute
Blood and Sweat – Samuel Wiggins 5.30 minutes
Broken – Nick Stiddard 15 minutes
Ordered Numbers – Mr Hopkinson 8 minutes
Data Decommission – Mr Hopkinson 3 minutes
We are back July 22nd, if you have any links to your films, message us and will be post them up on Facebook and on our Twitter feed too. See you all soon!
26/04/15 - May Bluescreen 20.05.15
Thanks again for all the films brought in and screened in March. All of them have now been posted on Twitter... go take a look..
So Bluescreen will be back screening Films again on May 25th!
Spread the word and join our Event Page on Facebook HERE .......... https://www.facebook.com/events/855188434551741/855188444551740/
And here we are on Cube Cinema webpage too... http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,7680/
28/03/15 - Films Screened at March's Bluescreen
The Cube Orchestra had a night off, so there were no re-scores, but fret not they will be back in May.
So we screened 18 Films! And here's a list of what we screened:
Fatally Flawed – Oliver Paglia 11 mins
Sofa Saga – Oliver Paglia 7 mins
Hawkeye Arrowhead – Phil Head 10 mins
Femme De Films: Let It Go – Jasmine Rider 1.30 mins
Femme De Films: Break Free – Jasmine Rider 1.30 mins
Scottish Highlands – Nick Stiddard 6.35 mins
The Machine – Laura Aish 5 mins
Projections – Laura Aish 5 mins
Everstone – David Shuttleworth 1.30 mins
Bent Canvas shorts – Bronwyn Harvey 15 mins
Infinite – Ben Hurst and Laurie Eagle 6 mins
Day We Changed The World – Mark Ashford 18 mins
Guns In The House – Mandi Edwards 20 mins
Reign – Jason Baker 3 mins
Jimmy_Winter – Jeremy Rieder 6 mins
Miss Isabella Browne – Sidnay Banks 7 mins
Scopophilia – Rozzy Adams 2 mins
Cold Dinners – Richard Edkins 5 mins
If you have a link to your films, please share on Facebook/email us and we will re-post on Facebook/Twitter.
Thanks again for bringing in your films and to everyone who came to view and support fellow filmmakers. Also thanks to the Cube Staff too.
Our next event is May 20th, see you then!
23/03/15 - Bluescreen in Top 10 Things to do this week!
Bluescreen IS one of the things to do this week, according to Bristol 24/7 website! Come along and find out why.. :)
19/02/15 - Next Bluescreen - March 25th!
March's Event is up on Facebook... Spread the word and join us in March for our next Bluescreen screenings and note new earlier opening time! https://www.facebook.com/events/1071309382894822/?context=create&previousaction=create&ref=1&source=77
04/02/15 - New Opening Times from March!
We will be opening our doors at 7.30pm (or 19.30hours if you are 24hour clock orientated) beginning at our March event, giving you and us more time for screening films!
28/01/15 - Future Bluescreen Dates
Here's Bluescreen dates at the Cube in 2015..
March 25th
May 20th
July 22nd
Sept 9th
Oct 21st
Nov 18th
14/01/2015 - Films Screened at Jan Bluescreen
Cube Orchestra rescored x 3 films from the Bluescreen archive, then…
The Tramp – Alf Riley/Andrew Williams 5 minutes
Dark Art of Light – Chris Barnett 16 minutes
Going Out Out – Jasmine Rider 4 minutes
Run – Diana Taylor 5.31 minutes
Who Am I – Nick Stiddard 1.30 minutes
After The Day – Ben Crystal 4.50 minutes
Ex Libris – Jimmy Hay 14 minutes
High Tide – Jimmy Hay 2 minutes
Jenny – Richard Edkins 6 minutes
The Bookshelf – Alice Orr 3 minutes
Regina – David Shuttleworth 6 minutes
Uncle Essy – Niyaz Saghari 20 minutes
Are You Taking The Dis – Kristal Burroughs 15 minutes
The Murmurs of Jamnagar – Vijay Shah 5.36 minutes
The Crocodiles Picnic – Vijay Shah 1.42 minutes
Molly – Philip Head 10 minutes
The Last Leviathan – James Stokes 4 minutes
Devdasi – Piski Films 4.37 minutes
Fat Friday – Chuman 2.30 minutes
Thanks all for bringing and screening your films! Back March 25th.
2014 (In reverse)
22/11/14 - Bluescreen @ Moviement 29/11
We have been invited to screen some films at Moviement on the 29th at Hamilton House, Bristol. The Event will be a celebration of Independent Filmmaking in Bristol. We will be bringing a compilation or 2 from our Archives to screen ! More details of the event here... https://www.facebook.com/events/1501145596813555/?fref=ts
21/11/14 - Films screened @ Bluescreen 19/11
Hey Bluescreeners, here’s the list of films we screened at last night’s Bluescreen..
We kicked things off with 3 Archive Films re-scored by The Cube Orchestra (10mins)
Then in roughly this order we screened…
First Camcorder – Laura Aish (6.30mins)
Unsung Heroes – Nick Stiddard & Rianna Tanner (4.30mins)
The Letter – Jasmine Rider (5.14mins)
Kane & Able – Wayne Lee (5.45mins)
New York – Ben Dowden (6.50mins)
Mexico – Ben Dowden (10.30mins)
Lynn Loo – Ben Dowden (12mins)
My Brother The Homophobe – Benjamin Harding (6mins)
The Lady & The Light – Piski Films (3mins)
Sheep – Tom Farrell (2mins)
Clifton To Easton (re-edit) – Diana Taylor (3mins)
Sabrina Dreaming – Antony Lyons & Nathan Hughes (10mins)
Climbing With Csaba – Oliver Paglia (2.26mins)
A Lapse In Haiku – Oliver Paglia (2.43mins)
The Stomach – Ben Steiner (15mins)
Crossways – Alex Hogg (7.30mins)
Cigarettes In The Theatre – Sam Wiggins (1.30mins)
Apologies to Ariel for not screening The View From N17, we will def screen this first up at January’s Bluescreen.
Thanks everyone for all the films last night - great films again! and in fact, thanks to anyone who screened a film in 2014 at Bluescreen!
This past year has been a bumper year for Short films at Bluescreen - Bristol you have amazed and entertained us all year with your films. Looking forward to more of the same in 2015
We’re not quite done yet this year though, as we have just been invited to participate in an event coming up real soon and details to follow very soon...
Thanks All
Steve & Tess
27/10/14 - Last Bluescreen of the Year is coming...
Wednesday November 19th is the last Bluescreen of 2014!
So get yourselves along, tell your friends and bring films!
For more details..
Facebook Event Page is up here:
And Cube Cinema Event Page is here:
11/09/14 - Last Nights Bluescreen
Thanks to everyone who came down last night, another busy Bluescreen and what amazing, wonderful films!
So here’s what you saw last night…
Cube Orchestra rescored x 2 Films then we screened:
Sublet – Ellen Waddell & Tom Betts (4.20mins)
Gentlemen - Graeme Maguire (2.30mins)
V-Eye-Rus 2 Teaser Trailers – Wayne Lee (9mins)
Ocean Rhapsody – Louis Sherman (4.03mins)
A Special Lecture in Aeronautics - Vijay Shah (9.40mins)
I Hate Machines That Bleep at Me - Diana Taylor (2.40mins)
The High Hills have a Bitterness – Diana Taylor (1.03mins)
Try & See - Giacomo Pecci (10mins)
Coeur de Pierre - Santo Veeranki ( 9mins)
Echoes of Paint on Strings - Richard Broomhall (1.40mins)
Four-Tresco Island - Richard Broomhall ( 3.41mins)
Brean Point *2 - Richard Broomhall (12.55mins)
Another Time - Oliver Paglia (7.30mins)
Smacking Down the Bone – Toni Andres (14mins)
Bluescreen is back November 19th, thanks again for all the films
29/08/14 - Next Bluescreen is 10/09/14
23/08/14 - Digital Films @ Bluescreen
Hey, so we have been screening films via USB and Hard Drives for the last 2 Bluescreens and while the quality of how films look on screen has been largely improved and we have had more films and people in through the door (thank you all!), we have encountered a few teething problems with screening from digital files, which has regrettably caused some delays at our screenings.
Some of the file sizes have been very large, meaning it takes ages to transfer films onto our Laptop to screen; there has been several versions of the same film in a folder and some files were are not labelled at all, causing some confusion which ones to screen. And we had some Hard drives problems too.
I guess we don’t really tell people how we want films ‘formatted’ to screen at Bluescreen, but as screening from digital files has been causing delays at our last 2 screenings and as we do want to carry on screening them, we have decided to put together some guidelines (see below). We also hear that the Tech setup in the Cube Projection room has been upgraded, so this should iron out any other problems too.
So ideally we like to screen from either DVD or USB….
DVD - Should be playable in a DVD Player (ie. not data files) and bring a backup disk if you can.
USB - Digital Film Files should be clearly marked with your name, film title and our name - BLUESCREEN, so it can be quickly found by our projectionist.
To get the best screening experience at Bluescreen, we suggest your film should be formatted in H264 video compression, with AAC compression for audio. And limit the data rate to 15,000 kbits/sec and films should be no larger than 5GB per file.
https://handbrake.fr/ is a great free program than can help you with this, but there are others out there too.
We hope this all helps to improve your Bluescreen screening experience in the future!
Thanks for reading!
06/08/14 - 2014 Compilation
So many great films to choose from... but here's the films that we have chosen to go on our 2014 Compilation and which will be screened at SUPERNORMAL this weekend...
Naren Wilks - One Man Eight Cameras
Jez Toogood - Frome Voices
Eva Freeman - Moving Painting
Pablo de las Cuevas - My Bristol Lapse
Andy Oxley - Born To Be Mild
Richard Broomhall - Never Seen Burnham
Parallel Madness - Oh Boy
Santo Veeranki - Lamb Me
Diana Taylor - Bristol North
Piski Films - Mariners
Vijay Shah - Kumbh Mela
Jessica Neill & Simon Downham-Knight - The Escape
Andrzej Sosnowski & Christian Lapidge - Gasp
Thanks everyone!
26/07/14 - Call For Films @ Supernormal Festival
Bluescreen are hosting an Open Screening at The Peoples Palace Cinema at the festival on the Sunday, so if you are going bring us a film or why not make one at the festival and let us screen it! Also on the Friday night we will be doing another screening of some past Bluescreen films.. See some of you there..
26/07/14 - Films Screened 23/07 at Bluescreen
Big big thanks to everyone who came along to Wednesday's Bluescreen and for sticking it out, as it was a very busy, hot and humid night in the Cube. And also an epic night for films, we screened 20 films and finished just after midnight!
We are sorry to hear that some people had to leave before their film was shown, as we always endeavour to accommodate people if they let us know they need to leave before the end and we do try to show all films brought in on the night.
But as it was so hot and as a lot of people had left, about 11.55 we decided to do a shout out to any filmmakers left in the remaining audience and we ended up just showing their films and calling it a night.
Futurewise, we will update everyone on how long the evening will be, which of course we only know once all the films are in; we do usually do this if we have a lot of films in, not sure why we didn't on Wednesday, think the heat was getting to us too.
So to anyone who didn't have their films screened, please bring them along to September's Bluescreen and we will prioritise them and make sure they get screened first.
So here's what we Screened:
Cube Orchestra re-scored: Off White Box - Michael Page (2010) (5.04mins)
Sun Sex and Socialism – Diana Taylor (16mins)
Get a Proper Job – Rowdy (6.53mins)
Dead Party – Charlie Parsons (11mins)
Tea & Toast – Connor Coolbear & Charlie Parsons (1.30mins) Final Score – Heather Paddon (18mins)
Girl Wonder – Pek Chai (8.40mins)
Ace – Charlie Evans (15mins)
Linking Rings – Ella Woollgar (5.43mins)
In Balance – Mayam Anibaba (3mins)
The Invisible School – Hugo Pettitt & Hannah Bailey (18.30mins) Beret – Stephen Dunn (7.50mins)
Bristol Favourites – Jon Hardy (1.30mins)
Catalogue Wars – Benjamin Harding (5mins)
10 Seconds/Flowers – Gareth Evans (3.30mins)
Romancero Grenadino – Piski Films (5mins)
Nouveau Riche – Luke Fleming & Chris Lyons (2mins)
I..You – Matt Freeth (20sec)
The Port – Matt Freeth (4.41mins)
Silent Phantom – Matt Freeth (4.49mins)
We will be scouring Youtube and Vimeo over the next week and posting links to these films on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms
We had 2 films which we tried to play but didn’t work (As mentioned above we will screen these first at Sept Bluescreen) Dennis – Connor Coolbear (11.30mins)
Under the Covers – Scott Lomax (5.10mins)
And these are the Films which we did not screen, as filmmakers had left (As mentioned above we will screen these first at Sept Bluescreen)
Sublet – Ellen Waddell (4.20mins)
Gentlemen - Graeme Maguire (2.30mins)
3 Trailers – Wayne Lee (9mins)
A Special Lecture on Aeronautics - Vijay Shah (9.40mins)
Ski Touring in The Himilayas – Vijay Shah (12.30mins)
10 Things About Paul – Kit Stone (3.30mins)
Ocean Rapsody – Louis Sherman (4mins)
Bluescreen is back at the Cube Wed Sept 10th, but before that..
We will be screening some films (we have nearly have finalised this years compilation!) and hosting an open screening at Supernormal Festival 8-10 August in Oxfordshire. If your going, bring a film and come say hello! http://www.supernormalfestival.co.uk/
Thanks again for turning out on Wednesday and to all the fantastic films you screened!
01/07/14 - Next Event - July 23rd -
Having recovered from a very busy Bluescreen in May, we are back with another Bluescreen on Wednesday July 23rd...
Click here for the Facebook Event Page
Click here for the Cube Cinema Event Page
And click here to see the Event Poster
23/05/14 - List of Films Screened 21/05
Well at a packed house on Wednesday we witnessed…
The Cube Orchestra playing everyone in, with a film from the archives from 2004
Then we kicked off with the films brought in on the night, in order of screening (we think) and we screened…
Incomplete – Piski Films 3.19mins
Black Swan Story – Richard Edkins 11mins
V-Eye-Vus – Wayne Lee 15mins
Born To Be Mild – Andy Oxley 15mins
Stuart & Kate – Jimmy Hay 13mins
One Man, Eight Cameras – Naren Wilks 2.20 mins
Brass Attack – Naren Wilks 3.20mins
Gingerbread (excerpt) – Michael Moustafi 2mins
Zowosi - Michael Moustafi 8mins
Wickedly Divine Feminine - Michael Moustafi 8mins
American Independent Cinema – Jasmine Rider 20mins
Addiction - Rianna Tanner 8mins
Schicksalswende (Twist of Fate) – Ceejay Falmer 5mins
Dreamyard – Dave Shuttleworth 4.30mins
Perplexity – Jess Cox 7mins
Meeting Up – Will Philip 6mins
Who Am I – Nick Stiddard 3mins
If Messi Was An Englishman – The Band OF God 3.25mins
Hypervigilante – Parallel Madness 15.37mins
Films not Played :
No More – Alex Hughes-Games
Train Film – Kioran Huyhow
Sun, Sex & Socialism – Diana Taylor
(Sorry you had to leave early Alex and Kioran, please bring films next time. And same with Diana)
THANKS to everyone who brought in a film and those who came to watch too, it was a hectic night with 20 films screened in total, just under 3 hours running time, last film went on just before midnight! An amazing array of films, Bristol Filmmakers, what a talented bunch you are :)
We will be posting some of the films over the next week on here. Watch this space..
Bluescreen is back July 23rd.
21/05/14 - Bluescreen is TONIGHT!
Hi All Just a Reminder about tonight's Bluescreen...
Doors at 8.00pm @ The Cube Cinema, Bristol. £3/2 entry(Film makers in for free - one only per film)
Back again for our 3rd Open Screening event of 2014!
Bring in and Screen your films tonight. We welcome any film genre 'cause we do like an eclectic programme!
Films can be up to 20mins long and must be on DVD (formatted for a DVD Player) or Memory Stick (formatted for VLC Player).
And if you've not got a film, just come along and check out the work of our talented local film makers and/or get inspired to make a film yourself!
Films generally on screen from 8.30pm. And we welcome back a former Bluescreen host - Ali - on Projection duties tonight!
PLUS we have Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ Tom playing in the Bar throughout the evening, Cube Orchestra film re-scores and, if time, classic shorts from the burgeoning Bluescreen Archives.
And for those of you Facebookers out there, here's the Event Page we set up: https://www.facebook.com/events/292437874245661/?ref_newsfeed_story_
And the Cube website event link is here: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme#event_6839
Feel free to share the above links to any like-minded peoples and/or on social networking sites. Its good to share....
See you all later
Steve and Tess
at Bluescreen HQ
06/05/14 Films on Memory Sticks?
Good idea/bad idea? We have been thinking about this for a while, screening films from Memory sticks instead of DVDs. May simplify the process of getting films off computers and bringing them to screen at Bluescreen. So at May's event if you want to bring your films along on a Memory stick instead of a DVD then do it! But if you still want to bring it along on DVD then thats cool too.
11/04/14 - May's Bluescreen
Event Page for May's Bluescreen is now up on Facebook! Join, Share, Blog it! Thks all. https://www.facebook.com/events/292437874245661/?ref_newsfeed_story_
11/04/14 - Last Night
Great night at the Blitzfood première last night! Congratulations to Shed/Piski Films. A pleasure to host the event and great to see so many people down for it too. Well done all!
We are back with our regular Open Screenings May 21st, an Event Page for it should appear sometime soon.
22/03/14 - Next Event: April 10th
Bluescreen Presents...Blitzfood by Piski Films
Bluescreen will be hosting the premiere of Blitzfood by Piski Films April 10th, as part of our Bluescreen Presents.. series of irregular events, which promote Filmmakers who have screened shorts at Bluescreen and have moved into making feature length films.
Doors at 8pm. DJs and after party after the screening.
Sign up to the Event Page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/226191800902341/?ref_newsfeed_story_
22/03/14 - Films Screened at March's Bluescreen
Films screened 19/03/14 at Bluescreen
Cube Orchestra rescore: Lyrebird Soup (2012) - Naren Wilks - 6 mins
Breakfast - Jo and Pete – 7.50 mins
Gasp - Andrzej Sosnowski & Christian Lapidge – 3.47 mins
The Shadow Remains - Ariel Pintor - 27 mins
Baffin Island Expedition 2010 - Vijay Shah - 19 Mins
Punishment (Directors cut) - Kevin – 10 mins.
In at the deep end - Diana Taylor - 9 mins.
Three documentaries kept our attention on the big screen at the Cube last night they catalogued an art show in a disused swimming pool (In at the Deep end), the thoughts of explorers on how to stop climate change (Baffin island expedition 2010) and moving testimony from adults brought up in a brutal Franco regime in Spain (The Shadow Remains). No less compelling were the rock opera (Breakfast), a comedy (Gasp) and a psychological thriller based on a story by Kafka (Punishment).
Thanks to all who brought films to share - and those who came to watch - for another memorable evening.
12/03/14 - Next Event Coming Soon!
Bluescreen coming soon!
13/02/14 - March's Bluescreen
The next Bluescreen is just over a month away! 19/03/14.
Here's our Facebook Event Page, get sharing folks :) https://www.facebook.com/events/688847227805350/?previousaction=join&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular&source=1
03/02/14 - Bluescreen Presents..
Bluescreen will be hosting the premiere of Blitzfood by Piski Films in April, as part of our Bluescreen Presents.. events, promoting Filmmakers who have screened shorts at Bluescreen and have moved into making feature length films. Congrats Piski Films! https://www.facebook.com/events/226191800902341/?ref_newsfeed_story_
24/01/14 - January's Bluescreen
Films Screened @ Bluescreen @ Cube Cinema 22/01/14
Cube Orchestra – 2006 Film rescore - 7mins
Darren Hamilton: Boxing Champion – Bear Productions TV - 15mins
The Life of Brians – Josh Gaunt - 13mins
Half Inch Sky – Ariel - 12mins
Bristol North – Diana Taylor - 3mins
Kumbh Mela – Vijay Shah - 14.30mins
Mariners – Piski Films - 5mins
The Escape – Jessica Neill/Simon Downham-Knight - 7.55mins
HeadCleaner – Simon Downham-Knight - 17mins
And what a fine selection of films there were on screen last night! Every single film engaged, entertained and all were visually amazing. Thanks for bringing them along. More of the same next time please
Unfortunately there were 2 films we couldn’t play due to there being no Films on the Disks..
Punishment (re-edit) - Kevin Cube (10.30 mins)
In The Deep End – Diana Taylor (13 mins)
Bring another copy along next time and we will give it another go.
Last night screenings were brought to you via Blu-ray Player, DVD Player and Laptop! Thanks Dani and Paul for sorting out the early glitches.
The next Bluescreen is March 19th. Can’t wait!
Bluescreen and the Portugal connection..
What Giants!? left Bristol in May 2013 to travel Europe on bicycles, we gave them some Bluescreen films compilations to take with them and they have been in contact to tell us and you that the 2012 compilation was screened in Lagos Portugal at LAC - Laboratório Actividades Criativas.! Big thanks to them and the venue for the screening.
Check http://whatgiants.blogspot.co.uk/ for their further adventures
Next Bluescreen Jan 22nd
Happy New Year from all at Bluescreen!
Our next event is just 2 weeks away! Looking forward to seeing some more of your amazing films ;) And you can join up to our Facebook
Event here....Please feel free to share.. https://www.facebook.com/events/579095082164810/?ref=22
2013 (In reverse)
30/12/13 - 60sec Films Deadline - Tomorrow!
The deadline for submissions to Bluescreen for The Film That Buys The Cinema is Dec 31st i.e. TOMORROW! So if you have not sent us one, then you have one more day!
Submit as follows...Up to 2k resolution (ideally high def) - via wetransfer or similar to: [email protected].
Any technical queries please contact [email protected].
(31/12/13 - We will be making an announcement in January of which film we have selected to be included in the 70minute Film for The Film That Buys The Cinema Project. We have had a number of entries and it wont be an easy decision to make as, not surprisingly, the quality of the films are of a very high standard.)
28/11/13 - Update: Deadline for FTBTC Extended
Submissions to Bluescreen date now extended until December 31st!
24/11/13 - The Film That Buys the Cinema (FTBTC)
"FTBTC is a 70 minute art feature film comprised of one-minute takes, no edits. Each minute is shot by contributors who have passed through the Cube and who are special to us.."
YOU can contribute to this project and in doing so raise money for the Cube.. by making a 60 second take and sending it to us here. Bluescreen will be picking ONE of the submitted takes and this will be INCLUDED in the 70 min feature.
More on the FTBTC here: http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/ftbtc/ftbtc.pl?action=home
The deadline for submissions to Bluescreen is December 2nd and just to let you know that ALL films submitted will be screened at a Bluescreen in 2014!
Delivery: Up to 2k resolution (ideally high def) - on tape, USB stick and sent to: BLUESCREEN / FTBTC to Cube address: 4 Princess Row, Bristol, UK, BS2 8NQ. OR upload to us via wetransfer or similar to: [email protected].
Any technical queries please contact [email protected].
IMPORTANT. Only submit material that is unique, able to be used for eternity by the Freehold project and has no strings attached.
Good luck to everyone!
21/11/13 - Films Screened 20/11 at Bluescreen
So........Here’s the list of films we screened last night at Bluescreen…
The Cube Orchestra rescored-
I Can’t Go to Work Today I’m Having an Emotional Breakthrough - Thomas Dunn 5.00 (2006)
Then we screened (in roughly this order!)..
Never Seen Burnham – Richard Broomhill 2.40
Quinzhee - Graeme Maguire 2.33
Golem – Diana Taylor 2.00
Street Storm - Richard Broomhill 6.11
Oh Boy - Parallel Madness 3.15
1962 – Diana Taylor 3.17
Best of Me - Graeme Maguire 3.30
Shelter Charity – Santo Veeranki 3.00
Lamb Me – Santo Veeranki 11.00
Punishment – Kevin 10.30
Fear and Delight – Naren Wilks 3.30
And we finished off with an old favourite…
Get Good – Francois 10.30 (2006)
Thanks for all the films and what another great selection of films they were!
And a great turnout for the last Bluescreen of 2013! Thank you.
Thanks also to those who took part in the Piski Films film shoot at the beginning of the night. The Bluescreen audience are now immortalised on film!
We will be posting links on here over the next few days to the films that were screened.
Hope you all enjoyed last night, we did
We will be back January 22nd 2014. Thanks for a great 2013!
13/11/13 - Next Weeks Bluescreen
Don't forget it's Bluescreen next Wed 20th and just to let you know that Piski Films will be shooting a scene for their upcoming feature project, at the start of Bluescreen.
So would be great if we can get a lot of people down for an audience shot.
If you are coming and you don't want to be in the filming, then you can hang out in the Cube bar, filming should take no longer than 15mins. Thanks.
13/11/13 - The Film that Buys the (Cube) Cinema - 60 Second Takes Wanted!
Bluescreen are excited to announce that we have been invited to take part in The Film That Buys the Cinema (FTBTC) and what we need from you is a '60 second Take'! Read on...
"FTBTC is a 70 minute art feature film comprised of one-minute takes, no edits. Each minute is shot by contributors who have passed through the Cube and who are special to us: film makers, musicians, poets, amateurs, wrestlers, radicals, community groups and more.
Each contributor's take is 60 seconds long. Each minute will be sequenced together to morph into a labyrinthine journey of light and sound, capturing not only the here and now but the history and future of our very special and deeply loved independent social cinema space.
From the wilfully obscure to the cult, the pop spectrum to the outer limits, from scientists to skaters The Film That Buys the Cinema will be a series of takes on life's rich pageant, bumper to bumper. An artistic time capsule.
Through associated art objects, credits and then exhibition, this film will help raise the final funds needed to buy the actual building the Cube is housed in and secure the plucky Microplex's future"
And Bluescreens part is...
Bluescreen: Contribute a Take
"...1 x 60 second take is open for sourcing. YOU can contribute by sending a take into Cube's very own Bluescreen, the 'Open Screen Independent Walk-in Film Programme' operating since 2001. Bluescreen will pick one of the submitted takes and this will be included in the 70 min feature.
Delivery: Up to 2k resolution (ideally high def) - on tape, USB stick and sent to BLUESCREEN / FTBTC to Cube address: 4 Princess Row, Bristol, UK, BS2 8NQ, or upload to us via wetransfer or similar: [email protected]. Any technical queries please contact [email protected].
IMPORTANT. Only submit material that is unique, able to be used for eternity by the Freehold project and has no strings attached."
DEADLINE for submissions is December 2nd.
More on the FTBTC here:http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/ftbtc/ftbtc.pl?action=home
26/10/13 - Next Bluescreen in November
November's Bluescreen is on its way! Event Page has been set up here on Facebook, join us and spread the word! https://www.facebook.com/events/1401698396732362/?context=create#
21/10/13 - Bluescreen News Update
A few things of a Bluescreen nature to tell you about and one Bluescreen thing we would like to tell you about but cant.. just yet.. (we are quite excited though and you will be too! We will tell you soon, promise).
The Bluescreen Docu Project
Work on the project is happening! Interviews are being filmed.. and heres a message from Dominic, one of the people involved with the Project... "If anyone would like to get involved you are very welcome. If you have made a film and shown it at Bluescreen we would be interested in interviewing you about that experience." Contact Dominic here: [email protected]
Farewell Dave
We have to bid a sad farewell to Dave, who for the past 18 months has been a vital part of team Bluescreen and has more than likely projected your film at Bluescreen in that period too! He is moving onto pastures new and we wish him all the very best and thank him especially for easing us into the blu-ray era of Bluescreen and thus less DVD issues at screenings! Thanks Dave :)
The next Bluescreen, is actually the last Bluescreen of the year! Nov 20th. Spread the word! Hope you can make it along. http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl?days=92#7158
05/10/13 - Septembers Bluescreen..
After Bluescreen is over films we showed stay with me…Will the superhero fly out of his 2d animation to protect the projected on cardboard city? Would he have saved the fighting couple from their unlovely marriage? Did he speed up and slow down time in Bristol? could he explain the lyrics of the obscure pop song? Was his inspiration the beautiful painted girl?
Beautiful, diverse set of films experimental, animation, pop video, cityscape. Thank you for bringing them. Thank you for coming along and thanks for joining in a discussion and chatting in the bar afterwards.. This is where you hear all about where the films came from; their origins, the serendipity of living below a musician, where the oil paintings are stored.. Bluescreen is the most interesting night.. Thanks again!
The films we showed were
Moving painting. Eva Freeman (3 minutes)
Bigger the front. Sue Elliott (4 minutes 30 seconds)
I’ll give you stag night!. Wayne Lee (14 minutes)
My bristol lapse. Pablo de las Cuevas (4 minutes 55 seconds)
Parabolic Delusions. Graeme Maguire (4 minutes)
Gron. Jonathan Brock (5 minutes).
Back November 20th, for the last Bluescreen of the year! Don't miss it!
20/09/13 - Bluescreen at Brisfest!
Call for Films! Open Screening at Brisfest on Sunday in Cinema Tent at 8pm. Bring Films! (05/10 Sorry this didnt happen in the end, problems Brisfest end)
28/08/13 - Next Bluescreen 25.09.13
The next Bluescreen is next month! And the event is now up on Facebook. Get sharing! Hope everyones had a busy summer making films :) https://www.facebook.com/events/209453162554325/?context=create
30/07/13 - Films screened at July's Bluescreen 24/07
Cube Orchestra rescore: Gordon Emmanuel - Atem (2009)
Cube Orchestra rescore: Tom Mansfield - Felix Machines (2009)
Diana Taylor - Pets in Space
Regine Babaei - The Upper Road
Richard Broomhall - Scribbled between Photons
Jez Toogood - Gravel Eye
Jez Toogood - Frome Voices
Daniel Landau - Waves
Quizmaster - Sam Haire (2012)
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas (2012)
Thank you to everyone who came to bring their films.
You brought a mix of experimental documentary, documentary, drama, music film and art installation. The films were varied and hugely captivating making for a rich and detailed evening of viewing.
Breaking from our usual format we introduced a discussion section. We chose to do this following some interesting discussions in the bar. We thought it would be good to extend this exchange of questions in private conversations to the whole audience. So after the break some filmmakers came to the front of the auditorium where they answered questions about the concepts behind their films and how they had come to make some of their decisions. Many many thanks to Regine, Jez and Dani for doing this and for everyone in the audience who asked their questions. Through this process I feel I learned so much more about the films and filmmakers and it felt very rewarding. Thanks to the Cube Orchestra for the live rescore – it was exciting and dynamic. And thank you to Tom for DJ-ing in the bar.
The next Bluescreen at The Cube is September 25th. See you there.
23/07/13 - Open Screening at Supernormal
Anyone coming to Supernormal? Wanna bring along a film? Or wanna make a film at Supernormal? Then bring them along to Bluescreens Open Screening at Pentagram Cinema on the 11th August
23/07/13 - Bluescreen Tomorrow!
This Wednesday at The Cube ! #shortfilms https://www.facebook.com/events/563571033681363/?ref=22
23/07/13 - Bluescreen out on the road part 2
Bluescreen at Wrong Directions Cinetent at Nozstock: The Hidden Valley Festival this weekend 26th & 27th July http://www.nozstock.com/cinetent/
05/07/13 - Bluescreen out on the road part 1
Bluescreen will be doing 2 screenings at Supernormal! One Open Screening and one screening from our archive. Come join us!
05/07/13 - Next Screenings at The Cube Cinema
Bluescreen will be screening again at The Cube 24.07.13 Spread the word!! https://www.facebook.com/events/563571033681363/?context=create#
17/05/13 - Films Screened at May's Bluescreen
Wow! Thanks Bristol for another evening of great short films last night! And here’s what we screened...
Cube Orchestra rescore: Earthen – Tom Swindell (2008) - (16mins)
Black Cab To Rehab – Adam Richards & Rowdy - (4mins)
Higher Channels/One Man/Total Immortal – Benji - (4mins)
Return to Sendai – G Slater ( 12mins)
Into The Light – Declan Smith (7.07mins)
Escalation – Catarina Oliveira – (11mins)
Land of Dreams (Transpersonals promo) – Piski Films (6.34mins)
The End – Santo (10mins)
Dog End – Santo (3.30mins)
The End Point of a Circle – D Wade & R Wickings ( 13mins)
Untitled Short Film – Lukas (5mins)
Rainbow – Muscat/Southsection (4mins)
Flight of the Fly – Muscat/Southsection (4mins)
Apologies to Jammy who brought in My Farewell Ride and we couldnt get it to play; bring another copy in on dvd and we will screen it next time.
We are now off to our Bluescreen bunker to compile our yearly Bluescreen DVD compilation, so the next Bluescreen will be with you in July. See you all then and thanks all for coming down, we all enjoyed it, hope you did too :)
09/05/13 - Bluescreen is next week!
Yes Bluescreen is back May 15th at The Cube. Doors will be open from 8pm. Films on screen 8.30 +. The Cube Orchestra is back and we have Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ Tom warming things up in the bar all night.
A reminder to bring all your films along on DVD (+ a backup disk if possible) and formatted to play in a DVD player. Films can be up to 20mins in length.
We will be putting our annual Bluescreen DVD compilation together after May's event, so if you have a film you would like considered to be included, please do bring it along. Or if you have screened a film in the last year at Bluescreen and didn't leave us a copy, also bring it along on the 15th.
We are currently talking to a couple of Festivals about screening some films at this summer, so watch this space!
Our Facebook Event Page for next week is up here:
Get sharing!
And check in at our Official Facebook Page for regular Bluescreen updates. https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms
See you next week!
21/04/13 - Next Event time!
Hello all! We got another Bluescreen coming your way May 15th.
And heres a link to our Facebook Event Page https://www.facebook.com/events/499612303433332/
Please spread the word!
21/04/13 - Film Archive Lists
Over here for a look at a list of all the films screened at Bluescreen since 2001 http://www.weebly.com/weebly/main.php
29/03/13 - Films Screened on the 27th @ Bluescreen
It is not a little humbling and also just so fabulous that Bristol filmmakers can provide over an hour and a half of thought provoking and entertaining films just two months after the last Bluescreen.
Huge thank you to all who came tonight. It was a total treat. You brought us/ we saw five absorbing and interesting documentaries, a beautiful and haunting animation of a folk tale that had a stronger message, a compelling music video and an unsettling and intriguing drama.
Below are the list of films. Filmmakers if you have your film on Vimeo or Youtube please do email us the link for us to be able to post your film on our page in future.
Many many thanks to you all for coming filmmakers and viewers alike – and to the fabulous Cube staff volunteers who made it all happen.
Looking forward to seeing you all on May 15th.
The films:
Andrew Williams Probing the west country. 8 minutes. (Documentary)
Dominic Wade. Decks Dance Videotape. 13.5 Minutes. (Documentary)
Piskie Films. Piper of Hameln. 13 minutes. (Animation)
Fabian Martin. A way of life. 17 minutes. (Documentary)
Fabian Martin. War Face. 9 minutes. (Music film).
Vivi Insightful donation. 20.00 (Documentary).
Santo. The End. 9minutes. (Drama).
Molly Gibney. Frog in the Water. 8 minutes. (Documentary).
20/03/13 - Bluescreen is Only 7 Days Away!
Yes! And we can't wait to see what films you have for us!
There are Event links up here..
Cube Cinema - http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#6949
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/436877743066403/
Events in Bristol - http://www.events-in-bristol.co.uk/event-detail/Bluescreen-1166
Bristol Afterdark - http://www.afterdark.co/bristol/event/14008-BLUESCREEN
Please share and spread the word!!!
01/03/13 - Bluescreen March 27th
Bluescreen Event Page for March now up on Facebook! Join up! https://www.facebook.com/events/436877743066403/
21/02/13 - The Bluescreen Film idea!
Right then who wants to make a film about Bluescreen!?
Bluescreen has screened literally thousands of films since 2001 and as we enter into our 12th year, maybe the time is right to make a film documenting the enigma that is Bluescreen!
So we are looking for potential documenters. Anyone out there amongst all you good filmmaking folk, want to make a film about Bluescreen? There is a story to be told...
All that history.. the films, the people, the filmmakers, the djs, the
orchestra, the festivals and the Cube Cinema itself!
I'm afraid the Budget = zero. BUT you will have access to the Bluescreen archives, all the people involved past and present and 'back stage' access to future Bluescreens to document behind the scenes etc. You would have editorial control and the only stipulation we will make is that it is under 20 minutes in length. And of course you be able to screen it at Bluescreen and beyond!
There is no timescale for this project, so if anyone is interested or
wanting to know more, just drop us an email at [email protected]
20/02/13 - Bluescreen in China!
Via Supernormal...
SUPERNORMAL goes East this Sunday at Zajia Lab project space Beijing, China........
‘I want to live there. And make you a workhorse for eternity.’
* Live music performance film screenings (Ugli Films) including:
- Bang the Bore
- Black Octagon
- Hexenverfolgung
- Sly and the Family Drone
*Live improvised drum performance by Shaun Sepr & Supernormal memoir by Gary Goodman *Reading by Samfrancisco & translated into Chinese by Fang Liu.
*Screening of short documentary film (Little Matey Productions) ‘Love Each Other or Die’
*Artwork by Samfrancisco
*Visuals from Bluescreen
19/01/13 - Films Screened on January 16th
Thanks to everyone who came along to The Cube on Wednesday, particularly on such a cold night! And what fantastic films too!
So here’s what we screened…
The Cube Orchestra rescored The Cardboard Orchestra by Scott Buchanan Barden (2010).
Then we screened..
La Perida del juicio – Maria Manero
Docobanksy – Docobanksy
A Brief Comedy of Polarisation – Adam Bell
Two Detectives – Tom Betts
Exile – Adam Petruczok
Munbefenaat – Piski Films
Notorious War by Wave N400 – Pablo Mestres
Who Goes We? – Lisa Shuh
And from our 2009 Compilation, we screened..
Gordon Emmanuel - Atem
Tom Mansfield - Felix machines
Ben Dowden - Dub FX1 – Flow/Step
Tajinder Dhami - Alpha, Diagnostic, Hospitalised
Hywel George - The life and life of Horace
Andy Sowerby - Tulips
Ben Dowden - Dance Film 3
Dylan Radclyffe - Doug Tabbard, Human Curler
And the film compilation screening in the lounge was from 2005 …
The Ram Inn – Sebastian Nolan/Chris Bradford/James Atkinson
Rusty Road less Travelled – Woody James
Maja – Chris Barnett
A Royal Obsession - Dan Brown
Short Sharp Shock – Dee Kalakoti
Old Street – Jacob Parish
The Battle of Cable Street – Toby Trackman/Yoav Segal
Thanks again for bringing in your films. Looking forward to the next Bluescreen, which is March 27th. See you all again then.
08/01/13 - New Poster for 2013!
05/01/13 - Happy New Year!
2013 is here! And Bluescreen kicks off 2013 on 16th January. Join us on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/events/537200396293015/?context=create
2012 - in reverse....
23/12/12 - January Facebook Event now Up!
Bluescreen kicks off 2013 on 16th January. Happy Holidays Bluescreeners! https://www.facebook.com/events/537200396293015/?context=create
17/12/12 - Coming in 2013...
01/12/12 - Microcosm December 15th
Come to this at The Cube. Its all about buying the Cube, a whole day of events and its FREE and Bluescreen will be screening some films too! https://www.facebook.com/events/169332153190797/
01/12/12 - Novembers Bluescreen...
Thanks to everyone who screened films at Novembers Bluescreen and to everyone who came along to watch; great to see so many past Bluescreeners there too. And some fantastic films too!
We screened our 2008 Compilation in the lounge before proceedings got underway: http://bluescreenfilms.weebly.com/film-compilations-dvd.html
The Cube Orchestra then played the audience in and rescored a couple of films from the Bluescreen archive; then we screened:
The Delivery – Wayne Lee
Piece - Vivi S
Lake - Marina E
Ruth trailer - Kris Griffin
Happy Anniversary – Martin Hall
Blaise – Ben James /Scott Warrham
The Claw – Nathan Hughes/Jacob Parish
And we chose 3 films to end the evening, picked from the last year by us…
Remembering Formby - Sue Elliott
Quizmaster - Sam Haire
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
Apologies to Billie Appleton, whose film Zombie Apocalypse we couldn’t play in either of our dvd players, hopefully she will bring another version to Januarys Bluescreen.
Thanks again to all who came along, a great Bluescreen to finish the year off with.
Coming up in December… we are participating in an event called Microcosm on Dec 15th at The Cube. We will be screening a small selection of films between acts in the evening. The whole day is about buying the Cube! And it’s a free event! Join us if you can. More details here: http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#7215
That will be more or less it from us for this year, so thanks to everyone who has screened a film at Bluescreen in 2012, we really have enjoyed screening and watching your films this year! Inspiring stuff! And thanks to anyone who just came along to watch the films. We do appreciate it. And lastly, thanks to the Cube Orchestra (Marcus et al) and the Bluescreen Hi-Fi Djs (Matt and Tom).
Let’s keep up the good work in 2013, our 12th year of screening your films…
And we will be kicking off Bluescreen in 2013, on Wednesday January 16th. See you then!
28/11/12 - Bluescreen tomorrow Wed 28th
Yes its finally arrived... the last Bluescreen of 2012! Doors open from 8pm, films on from 8.30. Djs in the bar and Cube Orchestra is back. See you tomorrow!
22/11/12 - Last Bluescreen of the Year 28.11.12!
Date: Wed 28th November 2012
Doors: 8.00pm
Cost: A bargain at £3/2! (and one Filmmaker per Film in for Free).
Its the last Bluescreen of the year, so its the last chance to get YOUR Films on the Cube Cinema's Big Blue Screen - its the only real way to experience films, in the comfort of your favourite local Microplex Cinema! Oh yes!
BLUESCREEN is the longest running Independent OPEN Screen Short Film Night in Bristol, screening films since 2001 and we welcome Amateur or Pro filmmakers alike and films of any genre, the more eclectic mix the better we like! Come and show us your films!
Just turn up with your films on the night, can be up to 20mins long and on a DVD (+ a backup disk if possible), formatted to play in a DVD player. Simple as that!
If you've not got a film, come along, watch and get inspired to make one yourself for the next Bluescreen!
PLUS we have Cube Orchestra re-scores, Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs in the Bar & if time, some classic shorts from the Bluescreen Archive.
Films generally on screen from 8.30 +
Our Facebook event page is here, join up:
04/11/12 - Novembers Event up on Facebook
Last Bluescreen of 2012 coming up Folks, spread the word! https://www.facebook.com/events/347950551967364/?context=create
03/11/12 - Bluescreen Halloween - What we Screened
Many thanks to the filmmakers who brought the films along to show last night (31st Oct). We showed seven films most with horror as a theme – and varying from those made on the night (literally) to those made in 1985, Performance art to suspense-filled horror.
Michael Moustafi brought three films all with a horror and music theme. Hysteria, a worm-ridden apple of a music performance was a World Premiere at the Cube.
3AM (Part 2 of a scary trilogy by Lee Matthews and Rachael Groom) built suspense carefully while we held our breath waiting to see our heroine in the spotty dressing gown would cope with the ever-increasing sinister events in her isolated and lonely cottage.
Strange Encounters by Andrew Williams featured ghostly apparitions and time warps in the camera obscura a classic from 1985.
Thriller by Mr Hopkinson featured extreme slo mo of last week’s Bristol Zombie walk – with music by Mr Hopkinson’s computer – this film was compiled on the night.
Alice Vandelev-Booner’s performance art film swimming pools was a beautiful and serene depiction of her interaction with watery landscapes.
Thank you all filmmakers....
Strange Encounters. Andrew Williams. 10 minutes.
Thriller. Me Hopkinson. 5 minutes
3AM. Lee Matthews and Rachel Groom. 10 Minutes.
Little Fingers (Katherine Toy) Michael Moustafi. 4 Minutes.
Hysteria (Roach). Michael Moustafi. 4 Minutes.
Fear of Success ‘Calm’ (Ugly Sulk). Michael Moustafi. 11 Minutes.
Swimming Pool. Alice Vandelev-Booner . 23 Minutes.
In addition to these we also showed some films from the Bluescreen archive.
Where’s my Spleen 1 and Where’s my Spleen to. James Pendleton. 2004.
The Ram Inn. Sebastian Nolan 2004.
Who’s afeared .Borderline Jessie Tate. 2009.
Z-Girl. Pete Thomas. 2012.
Attack of the Giant Killer Robot. Jim & Alex. 2005.
We also screened some films from the archive in the 'Blue' Lounge too, including: Zombies by Al Brennard .2003 on VHS.
And thanks all for braving the rain!
We return on Nov 28th for the last Bluescreen of 2012. See you then!
27/10/12 - Halloween Event up on Afterdark site
Click link here Halloween @ Bluescreen - http://www.afterdark.co/bristol/event/10813-BLUESCREEN_HALLOWEEN
14/10/12 - Halloween Bluescreen
Scary/Horror films needed for our Oct 31st event. Spread the word. And join our Facebook Event here for further updates https://www.facebook.com/events/149208818557043/?context=create
05/10/12 - Film Databases updated!
Septembers films now added here:
28/09/12 - Bluescreen in October
Here you go, Octobers Event now up. Oct 31st, plus a sprinkling of Halloween themed films hopefully! https://www.facebook.com/events/149208818557043/?context=create
21/09/12 - Bluescreen Screenings Tomorrow & Sunday!
Saturday 22nd
Wax n Reels Cinema @ Brisfest https://www.facebook.com/events/182125825256445/
They will be screening a selection from our archives, sorry not sure what, all a bit last minute. But we will post a list on our Facebook page, if we get word of which ones they will be screening.
Sunday 23rd
Josef K @ Castle Cube http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#6865 We have put together a short compilation for this event, again will post a list of films screened if time.
21/09/12 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 19/09/12
Life and Times - Piski Films (Cube Orchestra re-score) 14.58
The Playground - Marina E 1.45
Repo Man Oh Cecil - Liam McConaghy 5.30
Kebab Killer - Santo Veeranki 8.45
I wanted to Kiss your Eyelids - Alice von Kohler 3.00
Southville - Diana Taylor 1.45
Inscribing The Dawn - Richard Broomhall 11.45
Orchestra in a Field - Richard Broomhall 7.50
8 - Gareth McLeavy 3.20
Lyrebird Soup (from 2011) - Naren Wilks 3.30
Flat Footed Apocalypse (from 2011) - Martin Lejeune 2.20
End This Dream (from 2012) - Piski Films 5.00
Collide-O-Scope (from 2012) - Naren Wilks 3.20
The Cube Orchestra were back and rescored a film and we also screened some recent films from the bluescreen archive to round off the night.
Thanks to all who came down, especially to the Filmmakers and also to Encounters Festival too.
18/09/12 - Bluescreen Tomorrow!
So we are collaborating with Encounters Short Film Festival tomorrow! Bringing you all an International flavoured Bluescreen. If you are new to Bluescreen, here's what you need to know...
Bring films down on the night, on DVD and under 20 minutes long.
No laptops please or memory sticks, DVDs work best for us.
Doors at 8pm. £3/2 entry. 1 Filmmaker per Film in Free.
See you there!
18/09/12 - Encounters Opening Ceremony Tonight!
Encounters officially kicks off Tonight, so see you at the launch! https://www.facebook.com/events/324723154289512/
02/09/12 - New Photos added from Supernormal
See About Bluescreen/Photos
01/09/12 - Bluescreen event now on Facebook...
Bluescreen at the Encounters Short Film Festival Sept 19th @ The Cube. Join our Facebook Event Page here! https://www.facebook.com/events/339992556094565/
25/08/12 - Bluescreen goes International!
Bluescreen @ The Cube Sept 19th, with Encounters Short Film Festival http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#6424
17/08/12 - Bluescreen at Supernormal last week
Films screened at the Pentagram Cinema at Supernormal 2012...
All from our archive of yearly compilations of films...
Saturday (22.00-Midnight)
Culture Clash – Sid Sharma
Get Good – Francois
Weston-Super-Mare – Dan Blore
Night on the tiles – Nimph Productions
Tom Swindell – Mali
John Minton - What Makes you feel Alive?
Kwesi Johnson - Screen Shift Test shoot
Chuen Hung Tsang - Frangipani
Immortality - Dave Lander
As Time Goes By - Redcliffe Films
This is Brenda (Episode 3) - Brenda & Zibi
Remembering Formby - Sue Elliott
Kundama Street Song - Thetreatmentworx
Invasion of the Mutant Housewife! - Amie Nowlan
Sunday (20.00-22.30ish)
My Dream/My Reality - Jon Hardy/Scubaboy
Flat Footed Apocalypse - Martin Lejeune
10 - Greg Metcalfe
Slice of Life - Steve Beckett
Quizmaster - Sam Haire
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas
Life and Times - Piski Films
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
Nelson Street - Southsection
Seven Hills - Ben Edwards
Keeppie Uppie - James Stokes and Joe Ryan
The Ram Inn – Sebastian Nolan/Chris Bradford/James Atkinson
Rusty Road less Travelled – Woody James
Maja – Chris Barnett
Mr Hopkinsons Dancing Hula Bear Slo-mo film
Fabios Supernormal Photos
Thanks to all at Supernormal, the Pentagram Cinema and the above Filmmakers. Made great watching!
03/08/12 Films on the 2012 DVD!
Here you go...
La Plaisanterie - Jeff Notton
My Dream/My Reality - Jon Hardy/Scubaboy
Flat Footed Apocalypse - Martin Lejeune
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas
Life and Times - Piski Films
Brenda (Episode 3) - Brenda & Zibi
Remembering Formby - Sue Elliott
Kundama Street Song - Thetreatmentworx
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
Nelson Street - Southsection
Keeppie Uppie - James Stokes and Joe Ryan
Invasion of the Mutant Housewife! - Amie Nowlan
Seven Hills - Ben Edwards
10 - Greg Metcalfe
Wire Link - Harry Slinger-Thompson
Immortality - Dave Lander
Slice of Life - Steve Beckett
Boo - Oliver Hamilton
As Time Goes By - Redcliffe Films
Quizmaster - Sam Haire
03/08/12 - Bluescreen @ Supernormal Next Weekend!
Bluescreen will be screening films at Supernormal on Aug 11th & 12th - Screening the Bluescreen 2012 Compilation plus a retrospective of past films screened at Bluescreen!
Plus on the 12th we are hosting an Open Screening, so anyone going to the Festival, can bring along a film they made to screen at a 'live' Bluescreen. Find us at The Pentagram Cinema @ Supernormal, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire
28/07/12 - July's Bluescreen + Films Screened
On Wednesday night at Bluescreen we screened a total of 12 films with
a running time of approx. 100 minutes. Some regular contributors and
some first time contributors entered the dark cube on a stunningly hot
and sunny evening to show their films. The range was broad from Art film, documentary to comedy and drama. Also we were privileged to see some special effects that ranged from the distinctly fishy, thanks to Sam Iles,
to the head scratchingly complex thanks to Naren WIlks. We were also treated to some rather fabulous music and some sparkling cinematography too. Thank you all for bringing and showing your films.
We screened:
1 Selfs portrait – Sally Lifely. 4 min 13sec.
2 3rd floor 6h door – Laura Perez. 18 min
3 The yellow tie – Film School Bristol (Ian Pirrie, Lara Perez, Emma Shannon, Niamh Farrelly, Bicky Henriques, Bianca Munoz). 3 min.
4 Burn out – Director, DOP, Editor Jack Offord; Written by Jack Offord and Lorraine Blumenthal; Actor Lorraine Blumenthal. 1 min 30 sec.
5 Lyrebird soup – Director Naren Wilks; Actors Cameron Miller, Brian Elllowy, Scored by Minima, Set construction Shaun Luker. 6 min.
6 Dream – Director Sam Iles; Actors Fred Iles, Peter Harris, Duncan Bounds. 6 min. 33 sec.
7 Chess man – James Matthews Amattttama 8 min.
8 Scared - Wayne Lee. 18 min.
9 Burned out – Film School Bristol. Director Ian Pirrie; Starring Angus Brown, Matthew McGill, Raphael Duncan. 10 min.
10 Square pianos – Piski films. 7 min 49.
11 Esso man – Director Diana Taylor; Poem Rosemary Dunn. 1 min 28.
12 The Pitch – Director Hannah Petts; Asst Director Lewis Rogers; Sound Chris Worth; Editor, camera and cinematography; Actors Marley Hamilton, Chris Foster, Iain Gorrie, Darren Thompson, Andrew Wilkinson, Lewis Rogers. 15 Min.
Bluescreen is back at The Cube September 19th when we are teaming up with the ENCOUNTERS film festival at the Watershed. It’s likely to be a busy night. We’ll screen up to 180 minutes of short films. Arrive early to avoid disappointment, as films that arrive after we have filled up our time slot cannot be shown.
We compile a DVD of films every year that are suitable for festival screenings. We just finished the 2011-12 DVD and we’ll be showing this at the Supernormal festival August 10th and 11th 2012.
Thanks all for coming and thanks again for bringing in your films.
28/07/12 - Listen again to Bluescreen on the Radio!
Listen again to two thirds of Bluescreen on BCFM radio, from Tues 24th July - Talking all things Bluescreen with BCFM's Mark Le Levre...
BCFM downloadable Podcast
22/07/12 - Watch out! Bluescreen is this week!
Bluescreen will be screening your films this Wednesday 25th. Doors are open from 20.00hrs. Films on after 20.30. No Cube Orchestra this month but more time for your films! And Bluescreen Hi-fi will be in the bar all night.
And please please remember to format your films to play in a DVD player. We've had a few films recently that haven't been and sadly we couldn't screen them at all. See you all on Wednesday, looking forward to seeing
all your films!
22/07/12 - Listen up! Bluescreen are on the Radio!
Bluescreen will be on BCFM radio, on Tues 24th July from 21.00hrs - Talking all things Bluescreen. Tune in to 93.2fm or online....
BCFM Local Community Radio
14/07/12 - Bluescreen over the next coupla months..
July 25th @ The Cube.
Aug 10th & 12th @ SUPERNORMAL.
Sept 19th @ The Cube with Encounters Short Film Festival
14/07/12 - Films Needed for Supernormal
Bluescreen will be screening films at Supernormal on Aug 10th & 12th.
And on the 12th we are hosting an Open Screening, so anyone going to the Festival, can bring along a film they made to screen at a 'live' Bluescreen at The Pentagram Cinema @ Supernormal, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire
Our first festival of the summer, lets hope the sun shines!
07/07/12 - New 2008 DVD Details now up
Hi, back in 2008, we didnt do one of our yearly compilations it seems!
Well we cant find a copy, so we've done another! Details here: http://bluescreenfilms.weebly.com/film-compilations-dvd.html
And we have started looking at films for our 2012 compilation... details soon!
01/07/12 - Next Event is now up on Facebook!
Yes get your films ready because Bluescreen returns 25th July @ The Cube Cinema! - Join up to our Event Page here
17/06/12 - Film Databases Updated...
Check Films/Films Database for full lists of films we have screened since 2001 and films we have copies of in our archive. If you have screened a film at Bluescreen and yours is not in the list, then feel free to send us a copy.
14/06/12 - Films from the Archive this Sat!
Bluescreen will be screening some films from the Bluescreen Archive @ the launch party of Supernormal Festival @ The Cube Cinema this Saturday -16th June. See ya there!
09/06/12 - Films on Bluescreen's Vimeo/Youtube sites
Some Films from last months Bluescreen have now been added to our 'Favourites' on YouTube and to our 'Likes' on Vimeo sites. Enjoy the ride!
01/06/12 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 30/05
Clifton to Easton - Diana Taylor (3 min 36)
Le francaise Episode 2, Sam Haire (3 min)
Chlorpromazine .The Doubles, Tom Hall and colleagues (10 min)
Cloned, Wayne Lee (20 min)
Wonderland, Laurie Wood (13 min)
Evil Day, Piskie Films (7 min)
Keppie uppie, James Stokes and Joe Ryan (3 min)
Intensive Point Fight training, Rob Creet of AV8 Creative, (14 min)
Queen of the sky, Bruce D (9 min)
Martin Hall, The Interview (5 min)
Derien, Eric Boyd and Imogen Birdwell (4 min 30)
And apologies to:
Laura Perez, (No 3 6th Floor)
Kris Griffen and Brad Powell (6 AM)
I’m with them productions (3:00 AM)
…whose films we tried to screen, but their DVDs just wouldn’t play. But do bring along another copy to the next Bluescreen and we will screen them again then.
Kriss Griffen and Brad Powell did eventually show their film on a laptop in the bar afterwards – but we hope he’ll bring it for another Blue screen night for us to see on the big screen.
Some of the films we showed were entries for the Bristol Encounters 0117 competition – in which a film had to be made in 0117 hours or less (6 AM and Keepie Uppie) - the films will be shown at the MSHED They will be screened - and judged! - along with other entrants - as part of a celebratory event at the MSHED museum on Friday 24th June good luck to both of those films in the competition..
Martin Hall’s film ‘The interview’ was screened at the 2 Days Laughter Short Film Competition festival in Margate and won two awards for acting and one for sound! Congratulations to him and his team.
Bluescreen is back at The Cube July 25th, and with some news of a few Festival screenings over the Summer!
Thanks again for another great Bluescreen!
29/05/12 - Bluescreen Tomorrow!
Bluescreen will indeed be screening films tomorrow, kicking off around 8.30 +. Doors are at 8pm. Bluescreen Hi-fi Djing in the bar. Oh and Bring some films!
23/05/12 - 7 days to go!
Wed 30th @ 8pm. Bring films on DVD and a backup too! We've cleaned our DVD Players, so fingers crossed we might actually be able to play all your films! And dont forget its the last chance for inclusion on our annual DVD compilation, to be screened at several festivals this summer.
See you all at the Bluescreen :)
07/05/12 - Event now up on Facebook!
Bluescreen - 30th May @ The Cube Cinema - Join up here
02/05/12 - Bluescreen in May!
Hello! Bluescreen is back for its 3rd outing in 2012! And the date for your diary is 30th May.
We will also be compiling our annual DVD Compilation in June, so bring any films along which you havent screened at Bluescreen in the last 12months to get them considered. Good Filmmaking!
01/04/12 - Films added on Vimeo/Youtube
Films from last weeks Bluescreen now added to 'Favourites' on YouTube and 'Likes' on Vimeo sites. Enjoy!
28/03/12 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 28/03
Last night at Bluescreen we screened a total of 19 Films!
And here’s what we screened:
From our 2006 DVD Compilation and rescored by The Cube Orchestra:
6 Degrees of Separation by Max Broughton &
Body Language by Kwesi Johnson
Then (roughly in this order)…
Cube Membership – Cube Filmmaking Group
A Stately Façade – Holly Wicks
End This Dream – Piski Films
Boo – Oliver Hamilton
Boxy – Rob Turner
Wire Link – Harry Slinger-Thompson
Severn Hills – Ben Edwards
The Tragic Tale of Bob the Blob – Suzanne Williams
Resurfacing – Ella Watkins
What a Complete & Utter Countryside – Lee Matthews
Showreel 3 – Gareth Macleavy
TR Clemmett ‘Lady in Blue’ – Jake Chapman & Pierre
Lady Nade & The Sillouettes ‘All I Am’ – Ciaran Spencer
To finish, we screened 4 films from our 2010 DVD Compilation:
Filthy Pleasures - Tom Mansfield
Collide-O-Scope - Naren Wilks
Little Face - Matt Walker
Terminator Salvation - Jon Nobbs & Alan Mandel
Aologies to:
Wayne Lee (Cloned)
Diana Taylor (Clifton to Easton)
Sheena Vallely (3 films)
Miles Bowe (Surface Tension)
…whose films we tried to screen, but their DVDs just wouldn’t play. But please bring along another copy to the next Bluescreen and we will screen them again then.
Bluescreen is back at The Cube May 30th, and with some news of a few Festival screenings over the Summer!
Thanks all for coming and thanks again for bringing in your films!
See you all in May for another session of the best of Bristol short films!
26/03/12 - 2 days until March Bluescreen!
Get your films ready, cause Bluescreen is back this Wednesday! 8pm @ The Cube Cinema - Sign up to our Facebook Event Page here!
21/03/12 - Only 7 days to go!
Bluescreen back 28th March @ The Cube. Doors @ 8pm. £3/2 entry.
Bring films on DVD (+ a backup copy), 20min max. Films on 8.30+.
Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ in the Bar & the Cube Orchestra rescores. See below for link to Facebook Event Page & share the link!
12/03/12 - Check out some films on Vimeo/Youtube!
Bluescreen withdrawal symptoms? Check out our YouTube/Vimeo sites to soak up some films from past Bluescreens!
12/03/12 - March Event is now up on Facebook!
Start getting your films ready, cause Bluescreen is back March 28th @ The Cube Cinema - Join Us!
25/02/12 - Bluescreen Update
We have to say goodbye to Chris, who is moving onto pastures new, after 8 years (!) with Bluescreen. Has been a pleasure working with him and wish him all the very best!
So big shoes to fill and have decided to add 2 new people to the Bluescreen team! So welcome aboard Tess & Dave! You'll be seeing more of them at Bluescreen in March.
26/01/12 - Films Screened last night!
What Makes You Feel Alive? (2007) - John Minton (Cube Orchestra rescore)
Mano a Mano - Simon Downham-Knight
Move Your Body & Nelson Street - Southsection
Rabbit - Steve Beckett
Meter Man - Jonny Hickey (Intro'd by Sam)
The Tell-Tale Heart - Tom Farrell
Life and Times - Piski Films
Outlaw & Z-Girl - Pete Thomas
Farmageddon - Martin Lejeune
This is Brenda - Episode 4 - Zibbi Ambroziak
No More Ghosts - Mireia O'Prey
Equeriul Petomane - John Paul Gibbs
Tick Tock - Gary Thomas (Fast Forward)
Pink Panther - Fred Humphreys
A Stately Façade - Holly Wicks
Man vs Frisbee - Wesley Owen
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
My Techno Heart (Melts Your Emo Dribble) - James Sampson
20 films = 2 hours 20mins screentime apparently!
Another busy Bluescreen and some really great films! Will be searching and adding films from tonight to our Favourites section on Youtube and to our Likes section on Vimeo over the next few days.
There were a couple of mystery filmmakers, who left their films but didn't stay for the screening, or maybe they were just a bit shy perhaps!?
Apologies to Diana & Imogen (DVDs didnt want to play- happy to try again in March?).
Bluescreen is back March 28th for the next screenings. Thanks all for coming and see you next time!
25/01/12 - Bluescreen is Tonight!
Doors at 8pm. Bring films on DVD & just 1 Film per Filmmaker. Gonna be another busy one! See you all later!
21/01/12 - Only a few days to next Bluescreen...
Bluescreen - January 25th @ The Cube Cinema -
Please can you bring films on DVD ONLY (USB sticks as backup are fine) and only one Film per filmmaker this month,as we still got a few to screen from November! Thanks.
See you on the 25th!
10/01/12 - Bluescreen dates almost confirmed for 2012
7 Bluescreens at the Cube this year! 1 more than last year! Go to Events/Upcoming Events for full list
02/01/12 - Januarys Event up on Facebook - Join up!
Bluescreen - January 25th @ The Cube Cinema - Sign Up here!
2011 - in Reverse........
22/12/11 - Back in 2012!
Screening again on January 25th. Happy Holidays!
14/12/11 - Check out Bluescreen on Vimeo/Youtube!
Films from Novembers Bluescreen now added!
02/12/11 - Film Databases/Blog updated!
Have added Novembers films to our Databases. Go to: Films/Film Database & Blog above
01/12/11 - Bluescreens epic last event of the Year!!
24 films screened and 3 hours 30minutes screen time! Officially the longest EVER Bluescreen!
Heres what we screened 30.11.11:
Cube Orchestra rescored: Forlorn - Chuen Hung Tsang & Chris Hawkes (2007)
Weston-Super- Mare – Diana Taylor
Quizmaster – Sam Haire
Secret Paths of Youth – Martin Hall
Hypno-Gog – Marina Ellerington
Calm by Ugly Sulk - Michael Moustafi
Flat Footed Apocalypse – Martin Lejeune
Trunk Call – Mark Salter
Trials of an Impure Heart – Kasra Karimi
Brenda (Episode 2) – Zibi Ambroziak
Code – Rob Jones
Luke & The Void – Matt Freeth
My Dream/My Reality – Jon Hardy/Scubaboy
Pod 003 – Nick Lewis/Punchdrunk
Elizabeth Tudor – Piski Films
Tape – Jack Offord
Good People - Kristen Griffin
Slice of Life – Steve Beckett
Pernickety – Holly Wicks
Against the Rails – James Ewen/Bristol Silents
Tamsin O’Brien’s Balanced Practice – Sam Roberts
Dutiful Thing – Jack Dowell & Jack Bingham
10 – Greg Metcalfe
Slugface – Hidden Shallows
Films we did not play, due to time issues, but still deserve an honourable mention:
Diana Taylor – The Waves
Marina Ellerington – The Playground
Simon Downham-Knight – Mano a Mano
Steve Beckett – Rabbit
Muscat/Southsection – Move Your Body/Nelson Street
Stantz – Dragons Theme (we tried so hard to screen this but the format to screen evaded us in the end!)
Please feel free to bring back the films (we've still got some of them) we did not screen, at Januarys Bluescreen and we will make sure we screen them first.
Thanks to all the filmmakers and everyone who came and made our last Bluescreen of the year quite an exceptional one! And a good way to end our 10th anniversary year, knowing that there is still a place for the short film format, judging from the number of films last night!
Thanks again for bearing with us and to the few who stayed to the very end!
We’re back January 25th 2012, Hopefully we may get around to the Bluescreen 10 year DVD and maybe a batch of Bluescreen 10 year T-Shirts too, possibly… See you next year!
29/11/11 - Bluescreen is Tomorrow!
Bluescreen opens its doors tomorrow at 8pm, so make sure you bring your films along and see you there, for the last Bluescreen of 2011!
26/11/11 - Check in at our Vimeo Channel!
25/11/11 - Last Bluescreen of the Year nearly here!
Its the last Bluescreen of the year, so last chance to bring along your films to screen. Looking forward to seeing some new and old films. See you there! Link to Facebook Event Page below.
Bluescreen - November 30th - Facebook Event Page - Sign Up here!
19/11/11 - Open Screening today @ 4pm!
Today at Encounters Pop Up Cinema, Park Street. Bring along your short films to screen!
15/11/11 - UPDATE Wed/Thurs @ Encounters
Wed/Thurs Screenings at The Pop Up Cinema have changed to 6-8pm . And the venue will be open from Midday - 8pm on these days. Sat/Sun times as is. Friday times TBC.
13/11/11 - Links to Encounters website
Check out the Encounters International Film Festival Website And Film Programme And Encounters Pop Up Cinema with the added bonus of Free Popcorn!
Bluescreen Open Screening @ Encounters!
Yes Bluescreen are doing an Open Screening at The Pop Up Cinema! Sat 20th Nov 4-6pm, Bring your films to screen, more details over on our Blog.
Bluescreen @ Encounters Programme up!
Go over to our Blog for Bluescreen schedule of films to be screened at The Pop Up Cinema 14-20th Nov 4-6pm daily (20th 2-4pm). All screenings at The Pop Up Cinema are FREE!!
06/11/11 - DVD Lists Updated
Check Films/Film Compilations (DVD) menu for amended lists of film compilations we have from 2003 onwards
05/11/11 - Bluescreen Retrospective @ Encounters!
We are pleased to announce we are going to be screening some films at Encounters! More details to follow but think 10 years of Bluescreen and more! In meantime follow the link below...
Check out the Encounters Pop Up Cinema link
01/11/11 - Facebook Event now setup For November
And the last event of the year, hope you can make it!
Bluescreen - November 30th - Facebook Event Page - Sign Up here!
23/10/11 - Links Page Updated
A few of our favourite sites added and/or updated!
23/10/11 - Bluescreen Facebook Group is Back!
Click here to Join Bluescreen Facebook Group
08/10/11 - Forum & Blog updated
Click on the links above and leave a comment!
29/09/11 - Database updated with new films
See Films/Films Database here: Bluescreen Film Databases .
Any incorrect info, let us know and we will update.
29/09/11 Films Screened last night at Bluescreen
Cube Orchestra rescored - The Battle of Cable Street (2005)
Marko - Haiti Kids Kino Project film
Zibi - Superstylin
Ben Dowden - Convoy (15min Excerpt from)
Sue Elliott - Remembering Formby
Brenda & Zibi - Brenda (Episode 3)
Amie Nowlan - Invasion of the Mutant Housewife!
Holly Wicks - Prickly Relationships
Al - Toothbrush
Adam Richardson - Grafitti
Adam Richardson - Kundama Street Song
Andrew Williams - Lugbury Long Barrow
Andrew Williams - Civil War in Chippenham
Albert Thomas - 50 Not Out
Javied Idrees - Our Day Out
Diana Taylor - Tescopoly
Diana Taylor - Arabian Eruption
Another great turnout! And some great films! We screened 17 films in all, with a total film running time of 112 minutes! Thank you all!
But being Bluescreen the evening didnt exactly go without incident...
So apologies to Rob Turner, whose film wouldnt work at all. And to the other 3 people whose film fell foul of one of our DVD players. 3 films got "stuck" in the DVD player and we couldnt get them out. Eventually we managed to retrieve and play them (or people had a backup copy) in our other DVD Player. (Always best to bring a backup copy just in case!).
Apart from that it all went swimmingly!
Bluescreen is back Nov 30th, but we may also be doing something before then, so watch this space! And thanks again to all who came last along night!
25/09/11 - This Wednesday - Bluescreen is Back!
Doors open at 8pm. Filmmakers in for Free, but only one per film though, sorry. Everyone else £3/2 in.
Bring films on the night, 20mins and under and put them in the lovingly covered Bluescreen Film Box (!) at Front of House and just fill in the film/filmmakers details. Simple as that!
Plus Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs in the bar all night from 8pm and Films on from 8.30+. And maybe a rescore from the Cube Orchestra and some films from the Archives too! See you there!
14/09/11 - Its only 2 weeks to the next BLUESCREEN!
...So time enough to finish up your final edits on your films and get them ready for screening at Bluescreen! Link to FB Event Page here:
05/09/11 - Cube Cinema September Programme is out! And with added Bluescreen Images!
And with a piece inside on Bluescreen's past!
02/09/11 - 27 Days to go...until Bluescreen returns!
Event Page now up on Facebook, join here:
07/08/11 - Bluescreen mentioned in The Guardian!
Check this out; The Cube Cinema was in the Guardians top 10 of best Cinema experiences in Britain! And Bluescreen was also mentioned in the writeup on The Cube! Read in full here:
21/07/11 - Festival Screening coming up!
Compass Film CIC (http://compassfestival.blogspot.com/) will be screening films from Bluescreens 2010 +11 shortfilm compilations (Potentially 24 films!) at Nozstock in Herefordshire 29-31 July! (http://www.nozstock.com/line-up/cinetent/)
13/07/11 - Films Announced for new DVD Compilation!!
Yes check in Films/Film Compilations (DVD)/2011 for full list. And congratulations to the filmmakers! One festival screening almost confirmed for end of July..
09/07/11 - Films & Events Updated...
Check in Films/Film Database to see Film Databases updated with July films & Events/Past Events updated with a few more events..
07/07/11 - Films Screened last night at Bluescreen..
Womens Voices - Chris Barnett (Rescored by The Cube Orchestra)
Mapuche - Daniel Linker
The Man Who Was Afraid Of Falling - Joseph Wallace
La Plaisanterie - Jeff Notton
To My Boy "Hello Horizon" - Matt Freeth
Immortality - Dave Lander
Species - Southsection
Main Vain - Southsection
Electric Paint Bomb Guitar - Matthew Rushton
As Time Goes By - Redcliffe Films
Run - Redcliffe Films
Plus from the last year....
Burly - Rob Turner
Lyrebird Soup - Naren Wilks
Bristol 24 Hour Time Lapse - Microfilm
Beside Myself - Microfilm
Deconstruction - David Lander
Portrait of a Frenchman - Sam Haire
Test - Claire Alberie
Drained - Sarah Jayne Learmonth
Optimum - Southsection
Recycled Teenagers - Zibi Ambroziak
The Cube - Danae & Sigi
El Griffini: Portrait of the Genius - Kristen Griffin
The Wurzels "Ruby" - James Reed
Another busy evening at Bluescreen! Thanks again for all the films! And thanks to the Cube Orchestra, who also entertained while we were busy sorting the films! Great to see so many people and thanks for the nice comments about Bluescreen! Its very appreciated.
We have a new 2011 Compilation almost ready, a bit of a clue in the other films we screened last night! We may be showing films at a festival at the end of July, more details soon! Bluescreen is back at The Cube Sept 28th. See you then.
16/06/11 - New Bluescreen Facebook Page!!
We've had to set a new FB Page up and here it is! Old one is dead long live the new! Join us!
15/06/11 - 3 weeks to go!
Yes only 3 weeks until the next Bluescreen!
Click here for Facebook Event page
29/05/11 - Films added on YouTube & Vimeo
Some Films from May's Bluescreen have been add to our Favourites on YouTube & Vimeo, follow the links..............
Bluescreen on YouTube
Bluescreen on Vimeo
28/05/11 - Next Bluescreen Short films Screening...
....Is Wed July 6th @ 8pm @ The Cube Cinema, Bristol. Filmmakers free. Everyone else £3. Short Films+Rescores+Orchestra+DJs.
25/05/11 - Films shown last night at Bluescreen
James Pendlington - Kite
Chris Rosam - The Artefact
James Stokes - Tripping
Jack Offord - Bristol Textures
Mark Le-Leivre - Picnic in the Rain
Naren Wilks - Journey on a Bus
Taran Burns - The Hulk of Smaller Proportions
Claire Alberie - Test
Claire Alberie - Cash & Carrie
? (Part of Mini Masterpieces) - Drained
Chris B - Amnesty Action
Chris B - Banksy
Wow! Yet again some great films! No Cube Orchestra last night, so it was straight into the films...until a slight tech problem occurred & we had to take an earlier break than intended while quick repairs were made. But all went ok after! Thanks for bearing with us and thanks to all who came last night and especially those who brought along films! See you July 6th for the next screenings and maybe a Festival screening before then tbc.
22/05/11 - Bluescreen on BCfm Radio - Podcast up!
Pin back your ears & listen again to The Movies & Music Show on BCfm, first aired on 21/05/11 at Midday, with us as guests - Bluescreen! Thanks again Mark!
CLICK HERE: Bluescreen on BCfm Podcast 21/05/11.mp3
AND if you missed it, heres our appearance on the show back in March:
CLICK HERE: Bluescreen on BCfm Podcast 12/03/11.mp3
18/05/11 - Short Film Night Tomorrow!
At The Motorcycle Showroom, Stokes Croft @ 8pm. Some films screened before at Bluescreen will be shown as part of the event. http://whatwillwedowhen.wordpress.com/short-film-night/
16/05/11 - Bluescreen Screenings back next week!
Wed 25th @ 8pm. See you there!
13/05/11 - Bluescreen back on the Radio!
21st May @ Midday on The Movies & Music Show on BCfm 93.2fm. Talking Bluescreen. Tune in!
02/05/11 - NEW Facebook Event 25th May setup
Click here for Facebook Event page
01/05/11 - Bluescreen DVD Compilations now listed
All the films we have put on Compilations and shown at Festivals are now up in Films/Film Compilations (DVD)
28/04/11 - Bluescreen Film Databases - Now here!
So we have gone and done it and compiled a database of all films screened at Bluescreen since 2001! Phew! Plus another database of films that we have copies of in our archive! If you have any further info, please get in touch. Go to Films/Film Database and re-live the memories!
05/04/11 - Past Festivals List added!
Have added a list of past Festivals we have screened at and other events we have put on too! Check Events/Past Events pages.
Bluescreen 30/03/11
Epic night! The Cube was packed to the rafters! We screened altogether 24 films!!!! Amazing! Great Films every one!
Thanks to everyone who came along and thanks for bearing with us. And a big thank you to all Cube Staff working last night, The Orchestra & Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ too. And lastly thank you Filmmakers! Comeback again in May!
Heres the list of films:
The Cube Orchestra – Rescored 2 Tasha Hollywood animations
(VHS 2003)
The Cube Orchestra – Rescored Chris B – Timelapse (2010)
Martin/Steve/Danae – The Trinket
Steve Coggins – Cosmos: the Space Core
Southsection – Optimum
Southsection – Elemental Shift
Zibi & Brenda – Brenda
Naren Wilks – Lyrebird Soup
Danae & Sigi – The Cube
Kasra Karimi – Chase Sequence
Jack Offord – Closer than you think
Ruzhin Babaie – We Wanted to tell a Memoir
Ruzhin Babaie – Living is Leaving But
Zibi Ambroziak – Recycled Teenagers
Sam Haire – Portrait of a Frenchman
Rob Turner – Burly
Matt Rushton – Starvin
Matt Rushton – Holiday
Kasra Karimi – The Time Machine
James P – Zombie Ahoy!
Dan Petley – Jobsleeves
Mark Le-Leivre – Twins of Evil/Bun
And details for call out for films for the Motorcycle Showroom event 12th May, please contact [email protected]. We will hopefully be showing some past Bluescreen films there too.
And contact details for Mark at BCfm are on our Links page
The Next Bluescreen is May 25th. See you then!
Films Screened 16.11.16 at Bluescreen
Rescore - Cube Orchestra 15 mins
Wimpy - Diana Taylor 3 mins
Elizabeth - Jess Cox 12 mins
Below The Neck – Sam Wiggins 7 mins
New Art – Thomas Yang 6 mins
Lemonade – Thomas Yang 5 mins
Finding – Loki Cao 5 mins
Game Trail – Ewan Wilson 6.30 mins
Unbearable Lightness Of Being – Adam Polhodzik 2 mins
Where The Wild Things Are – Keef Chemistry 6 mins
No Seville Oranges – Solomon Kelly 18 mins
Bearpit/Fearpit – Victoria Williams 11 mins
A Beautiful View – Jack Li 4 mins
Not Screened
Xi Sheng – Yawen Kang/Cindy 10 mins
Problem with film, we tried every which way to screen it but sadly just wouldn’t play. She said she will bring another copy back to January’s Bluescreen.
A great way to end a great (15th) year for Bluescreen, with a busy night of great films! Thanks everyone for coming and to filmmakers for bringing in your films. Bluescreen is what you bring in to screen :)
If you have links to your films, post them over here https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms/ and we will re-post and add them to our YouTube and Vimeo channels.
We will be screening films again January 18th, see you then and happy holidays!
22/10/16 - November Event & Poster
Links/details to next Bluescreen and Poster (thanks Elena!) are below...
16.11.16 is the date for your diary for the last Bluescreen of 2016... Join Us!
Bluescreen Cube Cinema Event Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/id/8802/
Bluescreen Facebook Event Page:
Poster by Elena
18/09/16 - Films Screened 14/09
Here's what was screened at Bluescreen on 14/09/16
Strange - James Hankins 8 minutes
Snail Party - Richard Edkins 3.5 mins
The Stack - Wayne Lee 20 mins)
Stokes Croft 2010 - Katy Bauer 3.33 mins
Ballet - Katy Bauer 1.30 mins
Worlds of Sounds - Soloman Kelly 7.10 mins
Enough to Get By - Kieran O'Donovan 8.5 mins
An Adaptation of West Side Story - Jasmine Rider 10 mins
William - Ted Rayner 0.30 mins
Up Kinder Scout - Ted Rayner 2.30 mins
Sleeping - Miguel Fonseca 3 mins
The Ring - Beatriz Pinto 5 mins
I Like Grave - Jamie Mcloughlin 2 mins
As ever, thanks for coming and screening your Films!
Links to the Films to follow on Facebook this week...
And our next Bluescreen and the last of 2016, is November 16th, see you then!
14/09/16 - Bluescreen Tonight!
27/08/16 - Next Bluescreen - Sept 14th
Here's a coupla links to Sept 14th event:
Cube Cinema Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,8801/
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/576490562533953/
21/07/16 - Films at Bluescreen last night
Wow what a great night that was!
So many great films...Thanks to everyone who came down and thanks for bringing your films along :)
No Cube Orchestra last night but we had 15 Film in totaling 1 hour and 43 minutes worth of films on screen and here's what we screened...
Whispers - Sam Haire 1.30 minutes
Dog Not Man – Ben Thomas & Robyn Hobbs 6.00mins
In The Age Of Apathy – Ben Thomas & Robyn Hobbs 4.00mins
Barcelona Hyperlapse – Ian Skriczka 5.00mins
Cityscape – Diana Taylor 3.45mins
Mr Wellbys Cross – David Price 8.00mins
Kabul Sunset – Graham Egar 16.00mins
Don’t Call Me Baby – Dane Rayment 8.00mins
Paranoia – Glen Pearson 15.00mins
West Side – Jasmine Rider 12.00mins
Den Sniffe – Matthew Nesbith 1.30mins
Broken – Nick Stiddard 15.00mins
Pinch-Get Up – Tom Mansfield 4.04mins
Radeks Chocolate – Tom Mansfield 2.24mins
Simple Print Studio – Tom Mansfield 1.12mins
We will post links up to the above films that we can find online over on Bluescreen's Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms over the next week or so.
Thanks again and we are back Sept 14th.
See you all then!
12/07/16 - July 20th Poster
Our next event Poster designed by Elena
01/07/16 - July 20th Next Bluescreen!
Here's some links to July's Bluescreen on the 20th. Feel free to share!
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1759584900922439/
Cube Cinema Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/id/8708/
19/05/16 - Films at Bluescreen 18/05
Bit of a quiet Bluescreen last night... but it did give us the excuse to put on one of our sought after DVD compilations! which we almost never have time to do anymore.
But big thanks to all who came along last night and we will be back on July 20th.
So here’s what we screened…
Found Footage – Cube Orchestra 15 minutes
Ex Demiurgus – Oliver Paglia 10.26 mins
Man of Phenomenal Normality – Bradley Ayres 5 mins
False Wake – Finn Waterman 5 mins
And 2011 Compilation…
Burly - Rob Turner 0.28 mins
Lyrebird Soup - Naren Wilks 3.33 mins
Bristol 24 Hour Time Lapse/ Beside Myself – Microfilm 7.03 mins
Deconstruction - David Lander 2.56 mins
Portrait of a Frenchman - Sam Haire 5.14 mins
Test - Claire Alberie 4.28 mins
Drained - Sarah Jayne Learmonth 2.15 mins
Optimum – Southsection 4.11 mins
Recycled Teenagers - Zibi Ambroziak 9.58 mins
The Cube - Danae & Sigi 4.44 mins
El Griffini: Portrait of the Genius - Kristen Griffin 2.38 mins
Ruby (The Wurzels) - James Reed 3.34 mins
14/05/16 - Bluescreen This Week!
30/04/16- Bluescreen:The Documentary!
Yes, someones made a documentary about us! Thanks to Dominic Wade for all his work in getting this made and to all who were interviewed or helped out in any way.
Here it is...
30/04/16 - Bluescreen Thanks!
Huge thanks from Bluecreen aka Steve/Tess/Ben to everyone who came out and celebrated 15 years of Bluescreen on Wednesday! For those of you who couldnt make it, here's a picture of our Birthday Cake, which tasted as good as it looked! Special thanks to Dominic for the documentary about Bluescreen, I think it caught the essence of Bluescreen :)
Also thanks to the Cube Orchestra and Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs and all the folks at the Cube and lastly and firstly all the Filmmakers who have screened at Bluescreen, without whom... Here's to the next 15 years!
27/04/16 - 15th Birthday Films Screened!
Last night you came and you saw....
(Films/Directors/Orig Date Screened)...
Art Films - Cube Orchestra 26-Apr-16
Bluescreen Docu - Dominic Wade 26-Apr-16
We're Going To The Moon, Then Coming Back Again - Keef Chemistry /Cube Orchestra 26-Apr-16
A Trip In The City - Steve Parsons 26-Apr-01
The Battle Of Cable Street - Toby Trackman/Yoav Segal 30-Mar-05
Bad Dad - Tasha Hollywood 23-Apr-03
Jamm TV - Chris Barnett 18-May-04
Wheres My Spleen - James Pendlington 15-Sep-04
Land of Dreams (Transpersonals promo) - Piski Films 15-May-13
Charley Harry's Wondrous Nothing - Esther May Campbell 17-Mar-04
Mandogs - Oliver Purches 28-Nov-07
DIG DEEP - Muscat/Southsection 13-Jul-05
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews 25-Jan-12
Dewis' Hat trick - Matthew Walters 2003
No Sunday of Rest for the Wicked - Philip Head 25-Mar-09
Collide-O-Scope - Naren Wilks 27-Jan-10
Doug Tabbard: Human Curler - Dylan Radclyffe 30-Apr-08
1000 Voices - Tim Travers Hawkins 20-Jan-16
I dont want to fall in love.. - Kid Carpet/Wrongboy 02-Jun-08
Ordered Numbers - Mr Hopkinson 20-May-15
Felixs Machine - Tom Mansfield 25-Mar-09
The Cube - Danae & Sigi 30-Mar-11
Gentlemen - Graeme Maguire 10-Sep-14
Asbo Shepherd - Woody Morris 23-Mar-16
Once again we thank you for all the films from the last 15 years! We will be posting up some of these films over the next week for you to enjoy again on Facebook.
Bluescreen is back May 18th!
10/04/16 - 15th Birthday Party Tickets!
Roll Up Roll Up! Just a few weeks until we celebrate 15 years!
And here's the Ticket link if you want to secure a seat for Bluescreens 15th Birthday Party
And heres the Facebook Event Page link: https://www.facebook.com/events/595855887257882/
See you 26.04.16 !
24/03/16 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 23/03
And here’s what we screened last night at Bluescreen:
Starlings - The Cube Orchestra 9 minutes
Heaven: A Documentary – Bertie H Smith 4.30 mins
This Is My – Callum Rothwell 5 mins
Outlawed Vineyards – Joaquin Fernand 19.59 mins
Steel Is Real But Carbon Is Quicker – Dominic Wade 1 mins
Praze & Beeble (Part 1) – Phil Whitmore 11 mins
Praze & Beeble (Part 2) – Phil Whitmore 12 mins
But The Paint Comes Through – Niyaz Saghari 19.58 mins
In Deaths Valley – Diana Taylor 2.04 mins
Cube Orchestra Trailers – Keef Chemistry 1.30 mins
Asbo Shepherd – Woody Morris 5.35 mins
Over 90 minutes’ worth of films brought in last night! Well done all and thanks for the films! And thanks to all who attended, supported and the Cube Volunteers who make Bluescreen happen every time.
Our next open screening is May 18th, but before then…
April 26th… Happy Birthday to us… Bluescreen will be 15! And we are throwing a party!
Expect Films from the last 15 years, the premiere of a documentary about Bluescreen, something special from the Cube Orchestra, Bluescreen Hi-Fi Djs old and new, and… Cake!
Tickets available now online via Cube website, so hope to see you all then :) http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen-is-15,8552/
23/02/16 - Next Event March 23rd
Here's the Facebook link for our next Opening Screening event: Wed 23rd March @ 19.30 https://www.facebook.com/events/160096254363799/
Spread the word!
23/02/16 - Bluescreens 15th Birthday!
April 26th - On exactly this day 15 years ago Bluescreen was born!
To celebrate this happy event we’ve put together a programme of films that represent the many wonderful creations we have received and screened at Bluescreen over the years.
Plus the world premiere of The Bluecreen documentary.
Expect some friends from Bluescreens past.
And Cake!
The Cube Orchestra will kick off the event with a special rescore and Bluescreen Hi-Fi spinning tunes in the bar all evening.
And in a first for Bluescreen.... Tickets will be on sale prior to the Event! Look out for the Ticket link... coming soon
10/02/16 - Upcoming Events
Our next event will be with you on March 23rd and then...
On April 26th we will be hosting Bluescreens 15th Birthday Party! Celebrating 15 years of screening short films.. more details to follow soon!
22/01/16 - Films Screened 20/01/16 at Bluescreen:
Cube Orchestra Rescore - The Soft Side Of Heavy – Yuyu Zhang/Ben Williams-Butt 7 mins
Dirigo Film Festival trailor – Dirigo Film Festival 1.30 mins
Screen Test – Becki Couch 4 mins
Untitled – Laura Aish/Angela Piccini 11.10 mins
Helsinki – Lizzy Holbrook 3.25 mins
Cranes, Trains & Heritage – Dane Rayment 8 mins
Nightmare – Graham Egarr 8 mins
1000 Voices – Tim Travers Hawkins 8 mins
Bastogne – Mark Ashford 3.30 mins
One Night Only - Issa Pevuigvino 15.30 mins
Time Out – Dominic Wade 3.50 mins
The Long Way Home – Isaac Cochrane 15.00 mins
Countdown Fractal – Pablo Cuevas 5 mins
Wild & Almost Extinct – Pablo Cuevas 4 mins
Sir Pip and Carp Khan – Ted Raynor 45 secs
15 Films, nearly 100 minutes of screentime!
Thanks everyone for your films last night, it was a great way to start off 2016 and also our 15th Birthday year!
If you have any links to your films please let us know and we will post them on our Facebook/Twitter pages.
We are back March 23rd, see you then!
2015 (In reverse)
03/12/15 - Films Screened last night
02/12/15 In roughly this order we screened these films at Bluescreen ..
Weston Super Nightmare - Cube Orchestra 20 minutes
Beverley – Alexander Thomas/Cass Pennant 20 mins
I’m Still Luke – Sonia Wargacka 6 mins
Video Dub Plate #2 [Don Bass] – Denis Skachidub 9 mins
The Art of Hand Shaping – Ali Auchincioss 2 mins
Bent Canvas Shorts – Bronwyn Harvey 9 mins
Natalie – Aaron Sandhu & Jocelyn Stokes 4 mins
Quake – Erin Malley 5.30 mins
Lost a Day Today – Keef/Cube Orchestra 6 mins
Completely – Jason Baker 3.30 mins
Craft of Beer – Tom Mansfield 2 mins
Felixs Machine – Tom Mansfield 2.30 mins
Once in Whitley Bay – Diana Taylor 2 mins
Thanks all for coming to our last Bluescreen of 2015. It was a wonderful and eventful evening! And thanks for bringing in some really great films yet again! And we managed to get everyones film on screen.. in the end :) If you have any links to the above films then please feel free to post them on our Facebook page. And thanks to the Cube Orchestra, who for the first time ever rescored something new to Bluescreen! And hope you all enjoyed the Samosas..
Next one is January 20th.. until then :)
22/10/15 - Films screened at Bluescreen 21/10
Snakes & Ladders – Diana Taylor 3 minutes
The Hair Story – Sonia Wargacka 20 mins
Any Time Any Place – Martin Hall 5 mins
Alice in Motion – Ariane Parry 2 mins
Apologies Accepted – Zac Ioannidis 4 mins
By A Thread – Tom Gran & Kayleigh Gibbons 1.32 mins
[I am the Sun] Video Dub Plate # 1 – Denis Skachidub 12.38 mins
Azores: Islands of Adventure – Vijay Shah 9.30 mins
Dancers on the Sand – Libby Duplock 1.47 mins
And from the Bluescreen Archives…
One Man, Eight Cameras – Naren Wilks (2014)
The Claw – Nathan Hughes/Jacob Parish (2012)
Thanks everyone for coming down and great films yet again!
If you have any links to any of your films, please feel free to post them on our Facebook Page.
We are back for our last Bluescreen of the year on December 2nd, so except a few surprises and treats :)
13/09/15 - Octobers Bluescreen Coming 21.10.15
Useful Links for our next Bluescreen, which will be coming to you from The Cube Cinema are here:
Cube Cinema Page: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,7858/
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/505246189637883/
Feel free to share links. Thanks.
11/09/15 Films screened at Sept 9th Bluescreen
The Cube Orchestra began with rescoring a selection of films from our 2003-5 DVD Archive. Then we screened…
Keef Chemistry – It Came from the Dark Star (8.00 mins)
Andrew Williams – Birwells Cave (15.00)
Tia Salisbury – The Mediterranean Sea (2.00)
Jaime Pardo – Monobrow (4.00)
Das Speculoos – Mr Jubbly (3.06)
Oliver Mueller – Medieval Monsters ( 10.23)
And from our 2006 Compilation…
Sid Sharma - Culture Clash (11.0)
Francois - Get Good (10.30)
Dan Blore - Weston-Super-Mare (4.30)
Nimph Productions - Night on the Tiles (1.30)
Max Broughton - 6 Degrees of Separation (8.70)
Kwesi Johnson - Body Language (2.80)
Alex Mackay - Untitled (1.25)
Duncan Speakman - 29 Fragile Days (6.31)
Thanks for coming and thanks for bringing in your films, a great selection of films yet again! And also great to show a few films from the Bluescreen archive last night.
We are back Oct 21st, but will post some films from last night on our Facebook Page over the next few days.
16/08/15 - Sept Bluescreen Coming 09/09/15
Not long now until the next Bluescreen, time enough to get those last minute edits done :) And here's some links to click and share with fellow filmmakers:
Facebook Event Page is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/922776627765669/
Cube Cinema Page is here: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,7857/
24/07/15 - Films Screened on July 22nd
An nice intimate and cosy evening of screening films at Bluescreen and a q & a too, hope you enjoyed the night, we did :) And here's what we screened..
The Cube Orchestra started things off by rescoring a few films from our Archive and then we showed...
James Jones Morris - What Did I Do (4.20mins)
Wayne Lee - The Unspoken Truth (19.56)
Diana Taylor - Dockside Dreaming (4.00)
Matt Brierley - Bristol's Urban Badgers (4.33)
Anna/Tom - Run (1.30)
And from our 2014 Bluescreen Compilation we showed...
Naren Wilks - One Man Eight Cameras (2.25)
Jez Toogood - Frome Voices (12.10)
Eva Freeman - Moving Painting (2.15)
Pablo de las Cuevas - My Bristol Lapse (4.55)
Andy Oxley - Born To Be Mild (15.03)
Thanks all for coming and bringing in your films, we will posting some of them up on our FB Page over the next few days.
Our next event is Sept 9th, see you all there!
03/07/15 - July Event 22/07/15
Our next event is now up on Facebook here, please share and join! https://www.facebook.com/events/1447598295543137/
21/05/15 - Films Screened last Night
Thanks everyone for bringing in your films last night! A quieter night people wise than previous Bluescreens but made up by the number and quality of the films we screened, thanks again.
So we screened 14 Films, plus a few from the Bluescreen archive, rescored by the Cube Orchestra, all totalling just over a 100 minutes of screentime! Heres what we screened…
Started off with several Archived Films rescored by the Cube Orchestra 10 minutes
Video Portrait – Sidnay Banks 3 minutes
Endless Stream – David Schlaphirst 5.50 minutes
Yeoman - David Schlaphirst 3.50 minutes
Stewy, Wollstonecraft and Graffiti – Dominic Wade 16 minutes
Hippo +47 – Richard Edkins/Ichi 4 minutes
Kitchen – Hyunjee Song 8 minutes
Light Show – Laura Aish 2 minutes
Thought Police – Diana Taylor 2 minutes
Mivazaki – Jasmine Rider 15 minutes
Dirigo Film Trailer – Jasmine Rider 1 minute
Blood and Sweat – Samuel Wiggins 5.30 minutes
Broken – Nick Stiddard 15 minutes
Ordered Numbers – Mr Hopkinson 8 minutes
Data Decommission – Mr Hopkinson 3 minutes
We are back July 22nd, if you have any links to your films, message us and will be post them up on Facebook and on our Twitter feed too. See you all soon!
26/04/15 - May Bluescreen 20.05.15
Thanks again for all the films brought in and screened in March. All of them have now been posted on Twitter... go take a look..
So Bluescreen will be back screening Films again on May 25th!
Spread the word and join our Event Page on Facebook HERE .......... https://www.facebook.com/events/855188434551741/855188444551740/
And here we are on Cube Cinema webpage too... http://www.cubecinema.com/programme/event/bluescreen,7680/
28/03/15 - Films Screened at March's Bluescreen
The Cube Orchestra had a night off, so there were no re-scores, but fret not they will be back in May.
So we screened 18 Films! And here's a list of what we screened:
Fatally Flawed – Oliver Paglia 11 mins
Sofa Saga – Oliver Paglia 7 mins
Hawkeye Arrowhead – Phil Head 10 mins
Femme De Films: Let It Go – Jasmine Rider 1.30 mins
Femme De Films: Break Free – Jasmine Rider 1.30 mins
Scottish Highlands – Nick Stiddard 6.35 mins
The Machine – Laura Aish 5 mins
Projections – Laura Aish 5 mins
Everstone – David Shuttleworth 1.30 mins
Bent Canvas shorts – Bronwyn Harvey 15 mins
Infinite – Ben Hurst and Laurie Eagle 6 mins
Day We Changed The World – Mark Ashford 18 mins
Guns In The House – Mandi Edwards 20 mins
Reign – Jason Baker 3 mins
Jimmy_Winter – Jeremy Rieder 6 mins
Miss Isabella Browne – Sidnay Banks 7 mins
Scopophilia – Rozzy Adams 2 mins
Cold Dinners – Richard Edkins 5 mins
If you have a link to your films, please share on Facebook/email us and we will re-post on Facebook/Twitter.
Thanks again for bringing in your films and to everyone who came to view and support fellow filmmakers. Also thanks to the Cube Staff too.
Our next event is May 20th, see you then!
23/03/15 - Bluescreen in Top 10 Things to do this week!
Bluescreen IS one of the things to do this week, according to Bristol 24/7 website! Come along and find out why.. :)
19/02/15 - Next Bluescreen - March 25th!
March's Event is up on Facebook... Spread the word and join us in March for our next Bluescreen screenings and note new earlier opening time! https://www.facebook.com/events/1071309382894822/?context=create&previousaction=create&ref=1&source=77
04/02/15 - New Opening Times from March!
We will be opening our doors at 7.30pm (or 19.30hours if you are 24hour clock orientated) beginning at our March event, giving you and us more time for screening films!
28/01/15 - Future Bluescreen Dates
Here's Bluescreen dates at the Cube in 2015..
March 25th
May 20th
July 22nd
Sept 9th
Oct 21st
Nov 18th
14/01/2015 - Films Screened at Jan Bluescreen
Cube Orchestra rescored x 3 films from the Bluescreen archive, then…
The Tramp – Alf Riley/Andrew Williams 5 minutes
Dark Art of Light – Chris Barnett 16 minutes
Going Out Out – Jasmine Rider 4 minutes
Run – Diana Taylor 5.31 minutes
Who Am I – Nick Stiddard 1.30 minutes
After The Day – Ben Crystal 4.50 minutes
Ex Libris – Jimmy Hay 14 minutes
High Tide – Jimmy Hay 2 minutes
Jenny – Richard Edkins 6 minutes
The Bookshelf – Alice Orr 3 minutes
Regina – David Shuttleworth 6 minutes
Uncle Essy – Niyaz Saghari 20 minutes
Are You Taking The Dis – Kristal Burroughs 15 minutes
The Murmurs of Jamnagar – Vijay Shah 5.36 minutes
The Crocodiles Picnic – Vijay Shah 1.42 minutes
Molly – Philip Head 10 minutes
The Last Leviathan – James Stokes 4 minutes
Devdasi – Piski Films 4.37 minutes
Fat Friday – Chuman 2.30 minutes
Thanks all for bringing and screening your films! Back March 25th.
2014 (In reverse)
22/11/14 - Bluescreen @ Moviement 29/11
We have been invited to screen some films at Moviement on the 29th at Hamilton House, Bristol. The Event will be a celebration of Independent Filmmaking in Bristol. We will be bringing a compilation or 2 from our Archives to screen ! More details of the event here... https://www.facebook.com/events/1501145596813555/?fref=ts
21/11/14 - Films screened @ Bluescreen 19/11
Hey Bluescreeners, here’s the list of films we screened at last night’s Bluescreen..
We kicked things off with 3 Archive Films re-scored by The Cube Orchestra (10mins)
Then in roughly this order we screened…
First Camcorder – Laura Aish (6.30mins)
Unsung Heroes – Nick Stiddard & Rianna Tanner (4.30mins)
The Letter – Jasmine Rider (5.14mins)
Kane & Able – Wayne Lee (5.45mins)
New York – Ben Dowden (6.50mins)
Mexico – Ben Dowden (10.30mins)
Lynn Loo – Ben Dowden (12mins)
My Brother The Homophobe – Benjamin Harding (6mins)
The Lady & The Light – Piski Films (3mins)
Sheep – Tom Farrell (2mins)
Clifton To Easton (re-edit) – Diana Taylor (3mins)
Sabrina Dreaming – Antony Lyons & Nathan Hughes (10mins)
Climbing With Csaba – Oliver Paglia (2.26mins)
A Lapse In Haiku – Oliver Paglia (2.43mins)
The Stomach – Ben Steiner (15mins)
Crossways – Alex Hogg (7.30mins)
Cigarettes In The Theatre – Sam Wiggins (1.30mins)
Apologies to Ariel for not screening The View From N17, we will def screen this first up at January’s Bluescreen.
Thanks everyone for all the films last night - great films again! and in fact, thanks to anyone who screened a film in 2014 at Bluescreen!
This past year has been a bumper year for Short films at Bluescreen - Bristol you have amazed and entertained us all year with your films. Looking forward to more of the same in 2015
We’re not quite done yet this year though, as we have just been invited to participate in an event coming up real soon and details to follow very soon...
Thanks All
Steve & Tess
27/10/14 - Last Bluescreen of the Year is coming...
Wednesday November 19th is the last Bluescreen of 2014!
So get yourselves along, tell your friends and bring films!
For more details..
Facebook Event Page is up here:
And Cube Cinema Event Page is here:
11/09/14 - Last Nights Bluescreen
Thanks to everyone who came down last night, another busy Bluescreen and what amazing, wonderful films!
So here’s what you saw last night…
Cube Orchestra rescored x 2 Films then we screened:
Sublet – Ellen Waddell & Tom Betts (4.20mins)
Gentlemen - Graeme Maguire (2.30mins)
V-Eye-Rus 2 Teaser Trailers – Wayne Lee (9mins)
Ocean Rhapsody – Louis Sherman (4.03mins)
A Special Lecture in Aeronautics - Vijay Shah (9.40mins)
I Hate Machines That Bleep at Me - Diana Taylor (2.40mins)
The High Hills have a Bitterness – Diana Taylor (1.03mins)
Try & See - Giacomo Pecci (10mins)
Coeur de Pierre - Santo Veeranki ( 9mins)
Echoes of Paint on Strings - Richard Broomhall (1.40mins)
Four-Tresco Island - Richard Broomhall ( 3.41mins)
Brean Point *2 - Richard Broomhall (12.55mins)
Another Time - Oliver Paglia (7.30mins)
Smacking Down the Bone – Toni Andres (14mins)
Bluescreen is back November 19th, thanks again for all the films
29/08/14 - Next Bluescreen is 10/09/14
23/08/14 - Digital Films @ Bluescreen
Hey, so we have been screening films via USB and Hard Drives for the last 2 Bluescreens and while the quality of how films look on screen has been largely improved and we have had more films and people in through the door (thank you all!), we have encountered a few teething problems with screening from digital files, which has regrettably caused some delays at our screenings.
Some of the file sizes have been very large, meaning it takes ages to transfer films onto our Laptop to screen; there has been several versions of the same film in a folder and some files were are not labelled at all, causing some confusion which ones to screen. And we had some Hard drives problems too.
I guess we don’t really tell people how we want films ‘formatted’ to screen at Bluescreen, but as screening from digital files has been causing delays at our last 2 screenings and as we do want to carry on screening them, we have decided to put together some guidelines (see below). We also hear that the Tech setup in the Cube Projection room has been upgraded, so this should iron out any other problems too.
So ideally we like to screen from either DVD or USB….
DVD - Should be playable in a DVD Player (ie. not data files) and bring a backup disk if you can.
USB - Digital Film Files should be clearly marked with your name, film title and our name - BLUESCREEN, so it can be quickly found by our projectionist.
To get the best screening experience at Bluescreen, we suggest your film should be formatted in H264 video compression, with AAC compression for audio. And limit the data rate to 15,000 kbits/sec and films should be no larger than 5GB per file.
https://handbrake.fr/ is a great free program than can help you with this, but there are others out there too.
We hope this all helps to improve your Bluescreen screening experience in the future!
Thanks for reading!
06/08/14 - 2014 Compilation
So many great films to choose from... but here's the films that we have chosen to go on our 2014 Compilation and which will be screened at SUPERNORMAL this weekend...
Naren Wilks - One Man Eight Cameras
Jez Toogood - Frome Voices
Eva Freeman - Moving Painting
Pablo de las Cuevas - My Bristol Lapse
Andy Oxley - Born To Be Mild
Richard Broomhall - Never Seen Burnham
Parallel Madness - Oh Boy
Santo Veeranki - Lamb Me
Diana Taylor - Bristol North
Piski Films - Mariners
Vijay Shah - Kumbh Mela
Jessica Neill & Simon Downham-Knight - The Escape
Andrzej Sosnowski & Christian Lapidge - Gasp
Thanks everyone!
26/07/14 - Call For Films @ Supernormal Festival
Bluescreen are hosting an Open Screening at The Peoples Palace Cinema at the festival on the Sunday, so if you are going bring us a film or why not make one at the festival and let us screen it! Also on the Friday night we will be doing another screening of some past Bluescreen films.. See some of you there..
26/07/14 - Films Screened 23/07 at Bluescreen
Big big thanks to everyone who came along to Wednesday's Bluescreen and for sticking it out, as it was a very busy, hot and humid night in the Cube. And also an epic night for films, we screened 20 films and finished just after midnight!
We are sorry to hear that some people had to leave before their film was shown, as we always endeavour to accommodate people if they let us know they need to leave before the end and we do try to show all films brought in on the night.
But as it was so hot and as a lot of people had left, about 11.55 we decided to do a shout out to any filmmakers left in the remaining audience and we ended up just showing their films and calling it a night.
Futurewise, we will update everyone on how long the evening will be, which of course we only know once all the films are in; we do usually do this if we have a lot of films in, not sure why we didn't on Wednesday, think the heat was getting to us too.
So to anyone who didn't have their films screened, please bring them along to September's Bluescreen and we will prioritise them and make sure they get screened first.
So here's what we Screened:
Cube Orchestra re-scored: Off White Box - Michael Page (2010) (5.04mins)
Sun Sex and Socialism – Diana Taylor (16mins)
Get a Proper Job – Rowdy (6.53mins)
Dead Party – Charlie Parsons (11mins)
Tea & Toast – Connor Coolbear & Charlie Parsons (1.30mins) Final Score – Heather Paddon (18mins)
Girl Wonder – Pek Chai (8.40mins)
Ace – Charlie Evans (15mins)
Linking Rings – Ella Woollgar (5.43mins)
In Balance – Mayam Anibaba (3mins)
The Invisible School – Hugo Pettitt & Hannah Bailey (18.30mins) Beret – Stephen Dunn (7.50mins)
Bristol Favourites – Jon Hardy (1.30mins)
Catalogue Wars – Benjamin Harding (5mins)
10 Seconds/Flowers – Gareth Evans (3.30mins)
Romancero Grenadino – Piski Films (5mins)
Nouveau Riche – Luke Fleming & Chris Lyons (2mins)
I..You – Matt Freeth (20sec)
The Port – Matt Freeth (4.41mins)
Silent Phantom – Matt Freeth (4.49mins)
We will be scouring Youtube and Vimeo over the next week and posting links to these films on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms
We had 2 films which we tried to play but didn’t work (As mentioned above we will screen these first at Sept Bluescreen) Dennis – Connor Coolbear (11.30mins)
Under the Covers – Scott Lomax (5.10mins)
And these are the Films which we did not screen, as filmmakers had left (As mentioned above we will screen these first at Sept Bluescreen)
Sublet – Ellen Waddell (4.20mins)
Gentlemen - Graeme Maguire (2.30mins)
3 Trailers – Wayne Lee (9mins)
A Special Lecture on Aeronautics - Vijay Shah (9.40mins)
Ski Touring in The Himilayas – Vijay Shah (12.30mins)
10 Things About Paul – Kit Stone (3.30mins)
Ocean Rapsody – Louis Sherman (4mins)
Bluescreen is back at the Cube Wed Sept 10th, but before that..
We will be screening some films (we have nearly have finalised this years compilation!) and hosting an open screening at Supernormal Festival 8-10 August in Oxfordshire. If your going, bring a film and come say hello! http://www.supernormalfestival.co.uk/
Thanks again for turning out on Wednesday and to all the fantastic films you screened!
01/07/14 - Next Event - July 23rd -
Having recovered from a very busy Bluescreen in May, we are back with another Bluescreen on Wednesday July 23rd...
Click here for the Facebook Event Page
Click here for the Cube Cinema Event Page
And click here to see the Event Poster
23/05/14 - List of Films Screened 21/05
Well at a packed house on Wednesday we witnessed…
The Cube Orchestra playing everyone in, with a film from the archives from 2004
Then we kicked off with the films brought in on the night, in order of screening (we think) and we screened…
Incomplete – Piski Films 3.19mins
Black Swan Story – Richard Edkins 11mins
V-Eye-Vus – Wayne Lee 15mins
Born To Be Mild – Andy Oxley 15mins
Stuart & Kate – Jimmy Hay 13mins
One Man, Eight Cameras – Naren Wilks 2.20 mins
Brass Attack – Naren Wilks 3.20mins
Gingerbread (excerpt) – Michael Moustafi 2mins
Zowosi - Michael Moustafi 8mins
Wickedly Divine Feminine - Michael Moustafi 8mins
American Independent Cinema – Jasmine Rider 20mins
Addiction - Rianna Tanner 8mins
Schicksalswende (Twist of Fate) – Ceejay Falmer 5mins
Dreamyard – Dave Shuttleworth 4.30mins
Perplexity – Jess Cox 7mins
Meeting Up – Will Philip 6mins
Who Am I – Nick Stiddard 3mins
If Messi Was An Englishman – The Band OF God 3.25mins
Hypervigilante – Parallel Madness 15.37mins
Films not Played :
No More – Alex Hughes-Games
Train Film – Kioran Huyhow
Sun, Sex & Socialism – Diana Taylor
(Sorry you had to leave early Alex and Kioran, please bring films next time. And same with Diana)
THANKS to everyone who brought in a film and those who came to watch too, it was a hectic night with 20 films screened in total, just under 3 hours running time, last film went on just before midnight! An amazing array of films, Bristol Filmmakers, what a talented bunch you are :)
We will be posting some of the films over the next week on here. Watch this space..
Bluescreen is back July 23rd.
21/05/14 - Bluescreen is TONIGHT!
Hi All Just a Reminder about tonight's Bluescreen...
Doors at 8.00pm @ The Cube Cinema, Bristol. £3/2 entry(Film makers in for free - one only per film)
Back again for our 3rd Open Screening event of 2014!
Bring in and Screen your films tonight. We welcome any film genre 'cause we do like an eclectic programme!
Films can be up to 20mins long and must be on DVD (formatted for a DVD Player) or Memory Stick (formatted for VLC Player).
And if you've not got a film, just come along and check out the work of our talented local film makers and/or get inspired to make a film yourself!
Films generally on screen from 8.30pm. And we welcome back a former Bluescreen host - Ali - on Projection duties tonight!
PLUS we have Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ Tom playing in the Bar throughout the evening, Cube Orchestra film re-scores and, if time, classic shorts from the burgeoning Bluescreen Archives.
And for those of you Facebookers out there, here's the Event Page we set up: https://www.facebook.com/events/292437874245661/?ref_newsfeed_story_
And the Cube website event link is here: http://www.cubecinema.com/programme#event_6839
Feel free to share the above links to any like-minded peoples and/or on social networking sites. Its good to share....
See you all later
Steve and Tess
at Bluescreen HQ
06/05/14 Films on Memory Sticks?
Good idea/bad idea? We have been thinking about this for a while, screening films from Memory sticks instead of DVDs. May simplify the process of getting films off computers and bringing them to screen at Bluescreen. So at May's event if you want to bring your films along on a Memory stick instead of a DVD then do it! But if you still want to bring it along on DVD then thats cool too.
11/04/14 - May's Bluescreen
Event Page for May's Bluescreen is now up on Facebook! Join, Share, Blog it! Thks all. https://www.facebook.com/events/292437874245661/?ref_newsfeed_story_
11/04/14 - Last Night
Great night at the Blitzfood première last night! Congratulations to Shed/Piski Films. A pleasure to host the event and great to see so many people down for it too. Well done all!
We are back with our regular Open Screenings May 21st, an Event Page for it should appear sometime soon.
22/03/14 - Next Event: April 10th
Bluescreen Presents...Blitzfood by Piski Films
Bluescreen will be hosting the premiere of Blitzfood by Piski Films April 10th, as part of our Bluescreen Presents.. series of irregular events, which promote Filmmakers who have screened shorts at Bluescreen and have moved into making feature length films.
Doors at 8pm. DJs and after party after the screening.
Sign up to the Event Page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/226191800902341/?ref_newsfeed_story_
22/03/14 - Films Screened at March's Bluescreen
Films screened 19/03/14 at Bluescreen
Cube Orchestra rescore: Lyrebird Soup (2012) - Naren Wilks - 6 mins
Breakfast - Jo and Pete – 7.50 mins
Gasp - Andrzej Sosnowski & Christian Lapidge – 3.47 mins
The Shadow Remains - Ariel Pintor - 27 mins
Baffin Island Expedition 2010 - Vijay Shah - 19 Mins
Punishment (Directors cut) - Kevin – 10 mins.
In at the deep end - Diana Taylor - 9 mins.
Three documentaries kept our attention on the big screen at the Cube last night they catalogued an art show in a disused swimming pool (In at the Deep end), the thoughts of explorers on how to stop climate change (Baffin island expedition 2010) and moving testimony from adults brought up in a brutal Franco regime in Spain (The Shadow Remains). No less compelling were the rock opera (Breakfast), a comedy (Gasp) and a psychological thriller based on a story by Kafka (Punishment).
Thanks to all who brought films to share - and those who came to watch - for another memorable evening.
12/03/14 - Next Event Coming Soon!
Bluescreen coming soon!
13/02/14 - March's Bluescreen
The next Bluescreen is just over a month away! 19/03/14.
Here's our Facebook Event Page, get sharing folks :) https://www.facebook.com/events/688847227805350/?previousaction=join&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular&source=1
03/02/14 - Bluescreen Presents..
Bluescreen will be hosting the premiere of Blitzfood by Piski Films in April, as part of our Bluescreen Presents.. events, promoting Filmmakers who have screened shorts at Bluescreen and have moved into making feature length films. Congrats Piski Films! https://www.facebook.com/events/226191800902341/?ref_newsfeed_story_
24/01/14 - January's Bluescreen
Films Screened @ Bluescreen @ Cube Cinema 22/01/14
Cube Orchestra – 2006 Film rescore - 7mins
Darren Hamilton: Boxing Champion – Bear Productions TV - 15mins
The Life of Brians – Josh Gaunt - 13mins
Half Inch Sky – Ariel - 12mins
Bristol North – Diana Taylor - 3mins
Kumbh Mela – Vijay Shah - 14.30mins
Mariners – Piski Films - 5mins
The Escape – Jessica Neill/Simon Downham-Knight - 7.55mins
HeadCleaner – Simon Downham-Knight - 17mins
And what a fine selection of films there were on screen last night! Every single film engaged, entertained and all were visually amazing. Thanks for bringing them along. More of the same next time please
Unfortunately there were 2 films we couldn’t play due to there being no Films on the Disks..
Punishment (re-edit) - Kevin Cube (10.30 mins)
In The Deep End – Diana Taylor (13 mins)
Bring another copy along next time and we will give it another go.
Last night screenings were brought to you via Blu-ray Player, DVD Player and Laptop! Thanks Dani and Paul for sorting out the early glitches.
The next Bluescreen is March 19th. Can’t wait!
Bluescreen and the Portugal connection..
What Giants!? left Bristol in May 2013 to travel Europe on bicycles, we gave them some Bluescreen films compilations to take with them and they have been in contact to tell us and you that the 2012 compilation was screened in Lagos Portugal at LAC - Laboratório Actividades Criativas.! Big thanks to them and the venue for the screening.
Check http://whatgiants.blogspot.co.uk/ for their further adventures
Next Bluescreen Jan 22nd
Happy New Year from all at Bluescreen!
Our next event is just 2 weeks away! Looking forward to seeing some more of your amazing films ;) And you can join up to our Facebook
Event here....Please feel free to share.. https://www.facebook.com/events/579095082164810/?ref=22
2013 (In reverse)
30/12/13 - 60sec Films Deadline - Tomorrow!
The deadline for submissions to Bluescreen for The Film That Buys The Cinema is Dec 31st i.e. TOMORROW! So if you have not sent us one, then you have one more day!
Submit as follows...Up to 2k resolution (ideally high def) - via wetransfer or similar to: [email protected].
Any technical queries please contact [email protected].
(31/12/13 - We will be making an announcement in January of which film we have selected to be included in the 70minute Film for The Film That Buys The Cinema Project. We have had a number of entries and it wont be an easy decision to make as, not surprisingly, the quality of the films are of a very high standard.)
28/11/13 - Update: Deadline for FTBTC Extended
Submissions to Bluescreen date now extended until December 31st!
24/11/13 - The Film That Buys the Cinema (FTBTC)
"FTBTC is a 70 minute art feature film comprised of one-minute takes, no edits. Each minute is shot by contributors who have passed through the Cube and who are special to us.."
YOU can contribute to this project and in doing so raise money for the Cube.. by making a 60 second take and sending it to us here. Bluescreen will be picking ONE of the submitted takes and this will be INCLUDED in the 70 min feature.
More on the FTBTC here: http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/ftbtc/ftbtc.pl?action=home
The deadline for submissions to Bluescreen is December 2nd and just to let you know that ALL films submitted will be screened at a Bluescreen in 2014!
Delivery: Up to 2k resolution (ideally high def) - on tape, USB stick and sent to: BLUESCREEN / FTBTC to Cube address: 4 Princess Row, Bristol, UK, BS2 8NQ. OR upload to us via wetransfer or similar to: [email protected].
Any technical queries please contact [email protected].
IMPORTANT. Only submit material that is unique, able to be used for eternity by the Freehold project and has no strings attached.
Good luck to everyone!
21/11/13 - Films Screened 20/11 at Bluescreen
So........Here’s the list of films we screened last night at Bluescreen…
The Cube Orchestra rescored-
I Can’t Go to Work Today I’m Having an Emotional Breakthrough - Thomas Dunn 5.00 (2006)
Then we screened (in roughly this order!)..
Never Seen Burnham – Richard Broomhill 2.40
Quinzhee - Graeme Maguire 2.33
Golem – Diana Taylor 2.00
Street Storm - Richard Broomhill 6.11
Oh Boy - Parallel Madness 3.15
1962 – Diana Taylor 3.17
Best of Me - Graeme Maguire 3.30
Shelter Charity – Santo Veeranki 3.00
Lamb Me – Santo Veeranki 11.00
Punishment – Kevin 10.30
Fear and Delight – Naren Wilks 3.30
And we finished off with an old favourite…
Get Good – Francois 10.30 (2006)
Thanks for all the films and what another great selection of films they were!
And a great turnout for the last Bluescreen of 2013! Thank you.
Thanks also to those who took part in the Piski Films film shoot at the beginning of the night. The Bluescreen audience are now immortalised on film!
We will be posting links on here over the next few days to the films that were screened.
Hope you all enjoyed last night, we did
We will be back January 22nd 2014. Thanks for a great 2013!
13/11/13 - Next Weeks Bluescreen
Don't forget it's Bluescreen next Wed 20th and just to let you know that Piski Films will be shooting a scene for their upcoming feature project, at the start of Bluescreen.
So would be great if we can get a lot of people down for an audience shot.
If you are coming and you don't want to be in the filming, then you can hang out in the Cube bar, filming should take no longer than 15mins. Thanks.
13/11/13 - The Film that Buys the (Cube) Cinema - 60 Second Takes Wanted!
Bluescreen are excited to announce that we have been invited to take part in The Film That Buys the Cinema (FTBTC) and what we need from you is a '60 second Take'! Read on...
"FTBTC is a 70 minute art feature film comprised of one-minute takes, no edits. Each minute is shot by contributors who have passed through the Cube and who are special to us: film makers, musicians, poets, amateurs, wrestlers, radicals, community groups and more.
Each contributor's take is 60 seconds long. Each minute will be sequenced together to morph into a labyrinthine journey of light and sound, capturing not only the here and now but the history and future of our very special and deeply loved independent social cinema space.
From the wilfully obscure to the cult, the pop spectrum to the outer limits, from scientists to skaters The Film That Buys the Cinema will be a series of takes on life's rich pageant, bumper to bumper. An artistic time capsule.
Through associated art objects, credits and then exhibition, this film will help raise the final funds needed to buy the actual building the Cube is housed in and secure the plucky Microplex's future"
And Bluescreens part is...
Bluescreen: Contribute a Take
"...1 x 60 second take is open for sourcing. YOU can contribute by sending a take into Cube's very own Bluescreen, the 'Open Screen Independent Walk-in Film Programme' operating since 2001. Bluescreen will pick one of the submitted takes and this will be included in the 70 min feature.
Delivery: Up to 2k resolution (ideally high def) - on tape, USB stick and sent to BLUESCREEN / FTBTC to Cube address: 4 Princess Row, Bristol, UK, BS2 8NQ, or upload to us via wetransfer or similar: [email protected]. Any technical queries please contact [email protected].
IMPORTANT. Only submit material that is unique, able to be used for eternity by the Freehold project and has no strings attached."
DEADLINE for submissions is December 2nd.
More on the FTBTC here:http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/ftbtc/ftbtc.pl?action=home
26/10/13 - Next Bluescreen in November
November's Bluescreen is on its way! Event Page has been set up here on Facebook, join us and spread the word! https://www.facebook.com/events/1401698396732362/?context=create#
21/10/13 - Bluescreen News Update
A few things of a Bluescreen nature to tell you about and one Bluescreen thing we would like to tell you about but cant.. just yet.. (we are quite excited though and you will be too! We will tell you soon, promise).
The Bluescreen Docu Project
Work on the project is happening! Interviews are being filmed.. and heres a message from Dominic, one of the people involved with the Project... "If anyone would like to get involved you are very welcome. If you have made a film and shown it at Bluescreen we would be interested in interviewing you about that experience." Contact Dominic here: [email protected]
Farewell Dave
We have to bid a sad farewell to Dave, who for the past 18 months has been a vital part of team Bluescreen and has more than likely projected your film at Bluescreen in that period too! He is moving onto pastures new and we wish him all the very best and thank him especially for easing us into the blu-ray era of Bluescreen and thus less DVD issues at screenings! Thanks Dave :)
The next Bluescreen, is actually the last Bluescreen of the year! Nov 20th. Spread the word! Hope you can make it along. http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl?days=92#7158
05/10/13 - Septembers Bluescreen..
After Bluescreen is over films we showed stay with me…Will the superhero fly out of his 2d animation to protect the projected on cardboard city? Would he have saved the fighting couple from their unlovely marriage? Did he speed up and slow down time in Bristol? could he explain the lyrics of the obscure pop song? Was his inspiration the beautiful painted girl?
Beautiful, diverse set of films experimental, animation, pop video, cityscape. Thank you for bringing them. Thank you for coming along and thanks for joining in a discussion and chatting in the bar afterwards.. This is where you hear all about where the films came from; their origins, the serendipity of living below a musician, where the oil paintings are stored.. Bluescreen is the most interesting night.. Thanks again!
The films we showed were
Moving painting. Eva Freeman (3 minutes)
Bigger the front. Sue Elliott (4 minutes 30 seconds)
I’ll give you stag night!. Wayne Lee (14 minutes)
My bristol lapse. Pablo de las Cuevas (4 minutes 55 seconds)
Parabolic Delusions. Graeme Maguire (4 minutes)
Gron. Jonathan Brock (5 minutes).
Back November 20th, for the last Bluescreen of the year! Don't miss it!
20/09/13 - Bluescreen at Brisfest!
Call for Films! Open Screening at Brisfest on Sunday in Cinema Tent at 8pm. Bring Films! (05/10 Sorry this didnt happen in the end, problems Brisfest end)
28/08/13 - Next Bluescreen 25.09.13
The next Bluescreen is next month! And the event is now up on Facebook. Get sharing! Hope everyones had a busy summer making films :) https://www.facebook.com/events/209453162554325/?context=create
30/07/13 - Films screened at July's Bluescreen 24/07
Cube Orchestra rescore: Gordon Emmanuel - Atem (2009)
Cube Orchestra rescore: Tom Mansfield - Felix Machines (2009)
Diana Taylor - Pets in Space
Regine Babaei - The Upper Road
Richard Broomhall - Scribbled between Photons
Jez Toogood - Gravel Eye
Jez Toogood - Frome Voices
Daniel Landau - Waves
Quizmaster - Sam Haire (2012)
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas (2012)
Thank you to everyone who came to bring their films.
You brought a mix of experimental documentary, documentary, drama, music film and art installation. The films were varied and hugely captivating making for a rich and detailed evening of viewing.
Breaking from our usual format we introduced a discussion section. We chose to do this following some interesting discussions in the bar. We thought it would be good to extend this exchange of questions in private conversations to the whole audience. So after the break some filmmakers came to the front of the auditorium where they answered questions about the concepts behind their films and how they had come to make some of their decisions. Many many thanks to Regine, Jez and Dani for doing this and for everyone in the audience who asked their questions. Through this process I feel I learned so much more about the films and filmmakers and it felt very rewarding. Thanks to the Cube Orchestra for the live rescore – it was exciting and dynamic. And thank you to Tom for DJ-ing in the bar.
The next Bluescreen at The Cube is September 25th. See you there.
23/07/13 - Open Screening at Supernormal
Anyone coming to Supernormal? Wanna bring along a film? Or wanna make a film at Supernormal? Then bring them along to Bluescreens Open Screening at Pentagram Cinema on the 11th August
23/07/13 - Bluescreen Tomorrow!
This Wednesday at The Cube ! #shortfilms https://www.facebook.com/events/563571033681363/?ref=22
23/07/13 - Bluescreen out on the road part 2
Bluescreen at Wrong Directions Cinetent at Nozstock: The Hidden Valley Festival this weekend 26th & 27th July http://www.nozstock.com/cinetent/
05/07/13 - Bluescreen out on the road part 1
Bluescreen will be doing 2 screenings at Supernormal! One Open Screening and one screening from our archive. Come join us!
05/07/13 - Next Screenings at The Cube Cinema
Bluescreen will be screening again at The Cube 24.07.13 Spread the word!! https://www.facebook.com/events/563571033681363/?context=create#
17/05/13 - Films Screened at May's Bluescreen
Wow! Thanks Bristol for another evening of great short films last night! And here’s what we screened...
Cube Orchestra rescore: Earthen – Tom Swindell (2008) - (16mins)
Black Cab To Rehab – Adam Richards & Rowdy - (4mins)
Higher Channels/One Man/Total Immortal – Benji - (4mins)
Return to Sendai – G Slater ( 12mins)
Into The Light – Declan Smith (7.07mins)
Escalation – Catarina Oliveira – (11mins)
Land of Dreams (Transpersonals promo) – Piski Films (6.34mins)
The End – Santo (10mins)
Dog End – Santo (3.30mins)
The End Point of a Circle – D Wade & R Wickings ( 13mins)
Untitled Short Film – Lukas (5mins)
Rainbow – Muscat/Southsection (4mins)
Flight of the Fly – Muscat/Southsection (4mins)
Apologies to Jammy who brought in My Farewell Ride and we couldnt get it to play; bring another copy in on dvd and we will screen it next time.
We are now off to our Bluescreen bunker to compile our yearly Bluescreen DVD compilation, so the next Bluescreen will be with you in July. See you all then and thanks all for coming down, we all enjoyed it, hope you did too :)
09/05/13 - Bluescreen is next week!
Yes Bluescreen is back May 15th at The Cube. Doors will be open from 8pm. Films on screen 8.30 +. The Cube Orchestra is back and we have Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ Tom warming things up in the bar all night.
A reminder to bring all your films along on DVD (+ a backup disk if possible) and formatted to play in a DVD player. Films can be up to 20mins in length.
We will be putting our annual Bluescreen DVD compilation together after May's event, so if you have a film you would like considered to be included, please do bring it along. Or if you have screened a film in the last year at Bluescreen and didn't leave us a copy, also bring it along on the 15th.
We are currently talking to a couple of Festivals about screening some films at this summer, so watch this space!
Our Facebook Event Page for next week is up here:
Get sharing!
And check in at our Official Facebook Page for regular Bluescreen updates. https://www.facebook.com/bluescreenfilms
See you next week!
21/04/13 - Next Event time!
Hello all! We got another Bluescreen coming your way May 15th.
And heres a link to our Facebook Event Page https://www.facebook.com/events/499612303433332/
Please spread the word!
21/04/13 - Film Archive Lists
Over here for a look at a list of all the films screened at Bluescreen since 2001 http://www.weebly.com/weebly/main.php
29/03/13 - Films Screened on the 27th @ Bluescreen
It is not a little humbling and also just so fabulous that Bristol filmmakers can provide over an hour and a half of thought provoking and entertaining films just two months after the last Bluescreen.
Huge thank you to all who came tonight. It was a total treat. You brought us/ we saw five absorbing and interesting documentaries, a beautiful and haunting animation of a folk tale that had a stronger message, a compelling music video and an unsettling and intriguing drama.
Below are the list of films. Filmmakers if you have your film on Vimeo or Youtube please do email us the link for us to be able to post your film on our page in future.
Many many thanks to you all for coming filmmakers and viewers alike – and to the fabulous Cube staff volunteers who made it all happen.
Looking forward to seeing you all on May 15th.
The films:
Andrew Williams Probing the west country. 8 minutes. (Documentary)
Dominic Wade. Decks Dance Videotape. 13.5 Minutes. (Documentary)
Piskie Films. Piper of Hameln. 13 minutes. (Animation)
Fabian Martin. A way of life. 17 minutes. (Documentary)
Fabian Martin. War Face. 9 minutes. (Music film).
Vivi Insightful donation. 20.00 (Documentary).
Santo. The End. 9minutes. (Drama).
Molly Gibney. Frog in the Water. 8 minutes. (Documentary).
20/03/13 - Bluescreen is Only 7 Days Away!
Yes! And we can't wait to see what films you have for us!
There are Event links up here..
Cube Cinema - http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#6949
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/436877743066403/
Events in Bristol - http://www.events-in-bristol.co.uk/event-detail/Bluescreen-1166
Bristol Afterdark - http://www.afterdark.co/bristol/event/14008-BLUESCREEN
Please share and spread the word!!!
01/03/13 - Bluescreen March 27th
Bluescreen Event Page for March now up on Facebook! Join up! https://www.facebook.com/events/436877743066403/
21/02/13 - The Bluescreen Film idea!
Right then who wants to make a film about Bluescreen!?
Bluescreen has screened literally thousands of films since 2001 and as we enter into our 12th year, maybe the time is right to make a film documenting the enigma that is Bluescreen!
So we are looking for potential documenters. Anyone out there amongst all you good filmmaking folk, want to make a film about Bluescreen? There is a story to be told...
All that history.. the films, the people, the filmmakers, the djs, the
orchestra, the festivals and the Cube Cinema itself!
I'm afraid the Budget = zero. BUT you will have access to the Bluescreen archives, all the people involved past and present and 'back stage' access to future Bluescreens to document behind the scenes etc. You would have editorial control and the only stipulation we will make is that it is under 20 minutes in length. And of course you be able to screen it at Bluescreen and beyond!
There is no timescale for this project, so if anyone is interested or
wanting to know more, just drop us an email at [email protected]
20/02/13 - Bluescreen in China!
Via Supernormal...
SUPERNORMAL goes East this Sunday at Zajia Lab project space Beijing, China........
‘I want to live there. And make you a workhorse for eternity.’
* Live music performance film screenings (Ugli Films) including:
- Bang the Bore
- Black Octagon
- Hexenverfolgung
- Sly and the Family Drone
*Live improvised drum performance by Shaun Sepr & Supernormal memoir by Gary Goodman *Reading by Samfrancisco & translated into Chinese by Fang Liu.
*Screening of short documentary film (Little Matey Productions) ‘Love Each Other or Die’
*Artwork by Samfrancisco
*Visuals from Bluescreen
19/01/13 - Films Screened on January 16th
Thanks to everyone who came along to The Cube on Wednesday, particularly on such a cold night! And what fantastic films too!
So here’s what we screened…
The Cube Orchestra rescored The Cardboard Orchestra by Scott Buchanan Barden (2010).
Then we screened..
La Perida del juicio – Maria Manero
Docobanksy – Docobanksy
A Brief Comedy of Polarisation – Adam Bell
Two Detectives – Tom Betts
Exile – Adam Petruczok
Munbefenaat – Piski Films
Notorious War by Wave N400 – Pablo Mestres
Who Goes We? – Lisa Shuh
And from our 2009 Compilation, we screened..
Gordon Emmanuel - Atem
Tom Mansfield - Felix machines
Ben Dowden - Dub FX1 – Flow/Step
Tajinder Dhami - Alpha, Diagnostic, Hospitalised
Hywel George - The life and life of Horace
Andy Sowerby - Tulips
Ben Dowden - Dance Film 3
Dylan Radclyffe - Doug Tabbard, Human Curler
And the film compilation screening in the lounge was from 2005 …
The Ram Inn – Sebastian Nolan/Chris Bradford/James Atkinson
Rusty Road less Travelled – Woody James
Maja – Chris Barnett
A Royal Obsession - Dan Brown
Short Sharp Shock – Dee Kalakoti
Old Street – Jacob Parish
The Battle of Cable Street – Toby Trackman/Yoav Segal
Thanks again for bringing in your films. Looking forward to the next Bluescreen, which is March 27th. See you all again then.
08/01/13 - New Poster for 2013!
05/01/13 - Happy New Year!
2013 is here! And Bluescreen kicks off 2013 on 16th January. Join us on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/events/537200396293015/?context=create
2012 - in reverse....
23/12/12 - January Facebook Event now Up!
Bluescreen kicks off 2013 on 16th January. Happy Holidays Bluescreeners! https://www.facebook.com/events/537200396293015/?context=create
17/12/12 - Coming in 2013...
01/12/12 - Microcosm December 15th
Come to this at The Cube. Its all about buying the Cube, a whole day of events and its FREE and Bluescreen will be screening some films too! https://www.facebook.com/events/169332153190797/
01/12/12 - Novembers Bluescreen...
Thanks to everyone who screened films at Novembers Bluescreen and to everyone who came along to watch; great to see so many past Bluescreeners there too. And some fantastic films too!
We screened our 2008 Compilation in the lounge before proceedings got underway: http://bluescreenfilms.weebly.com/film-compilations-dvd.html
The Cube Orchestra then played the audience in and rescored a couple of films from the Bluescreen archive; then we screened:
The Delivery – Wayne Lee
Piece - Vivi S
Lake - Marina E
Ruth trailer - Kris Griffin
Happy Anniversary – Martin Hall
Blaise – Ben James /Scott Warrham
The Claw – Nathan Hughes/Jacob Parish
And we chose 3 films to end the evening, picked from the last year by us…
Remembering Formby - Sue Elliott
Quizmaster - Sam Haire
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
Apologies to Billie Appleton, whose film Zombie Apocalypse we couldn’t play in either of our dvd players, hopefully she will bring another version to Januarys Bluescreen.
Thanks again to all who came along, a great Bluescreen to finish the year off with.
Coming up in December… we are participating in an event called Microcosm on Dec 15th at The Cube. We will be screening a small selection of films between acts in the evening. The whole day is about buying the Cube! And it’s a free event! Join us if you can. More details here: http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#7215
That will be more or less it from us for this year, so thanks to everyone who has screened a film at Bluescreen in 2012, we really have enjoyed screening and watching your films this year! Inspiring stuff! And thanks to anyone who just came along to watch the films. We do appreciate it. And lastly, thanks to the Cube Orchestra (Marcus et al) and the Bluescreen Hi-Fi Djs (Matt and Tom).
Let’s keep up the good work in 2013, our 12th year of screening your films…
And we will be kicking off Bluescreen in 2013, on Wednesday January 16th. See you then!
28/11/12 - Bluescreen tomorrow Wed 28th
Yes its finally arrived... the last Bluescreen of 2012! Doors open from 8pm, films on from 8.30. Djs in the bar and Cube Orchestra is back. See you tomorrow!
22/11/12 - Last Bluescreen of the Year 28.11.12!
Date: Wed 28th November 2012
Doors: 8.00pm
Cost: A bargain at £3/2! (and one Filmmaker per Film in for Free).
Its the last Bluescreen of the year, so its the last chance to get YOUR Films on the Cube Cinema's Big Blue Screen - its the only real way to experience films, in the comfort of your favourite local Microplex Cinema! Oh yes!
BLUESCREEN is the longest running Independent OPEN Screen Short Film Night in Bristol, screening films since 2001 and we welcome Amateur or Pro filmmakers alike and films of any genre, the more eclectic mix the better we like! Come and show us your films!
Just turn up with your films on the night, can be up to 20mins long and on a DVD (+ a backup disk if possible), formatted to play in a DVD player. Simple as that!
If you've not got a film, come along, watch and get inspired to make one yourself for the next Bluescreen!
PLUS we have Cube Orchestra re-scores, Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs in the Bar & if time, some classic shorts from the Bluescreen Archive.
Films generally on screen from 8.30 +
Our Facebook event page is here, join up:
04/11/12 - Novembers Event up on Facebook
Last Bluescreen of 2012 coming up Folks, spread the word! https://www.facebook.com/events/347950551967364/?context=create
03/11/12 - Bluescreen Halloween - What we Screened
Many thanks to the filmmakers who brought the films along to show last night (31st Oct). We showed seven films most with horror as a theme – and varying from those made on the night (literally) to those made in 1985, Performance art to suspense-filled horror.
Michael Moustafi brought three films all with a horror and music theme. Hysteria, a worm-ridden apple of a music performance was a World Premiere at the Cube.
3AM (Part 2 of a scary trilogy by Lee Matthews and Rachael Groom) built suspense carefully while we held our breath waiting to see our heroine in the spotty dressing gown would cope with the ever-increasing sinister events in her isolated and lonely cottage.
Strange Encounters by Andrew Williams featured ghostly apparitions and time warps in the camera obscura a classic from 1985.
Thriller by Mr Hopkinson featured extreme slo mo of last week’s Bristol Zombie walk – with music by Mr Hopkinson’s computer – this film was compiled on the night.
Alice Vandelev-Booner’s performance art film swimming pools was a beautiful and serene depiction of her interaction with watery landscapes.
Thank you all filmmakers....
Strange Encounters. Andrew Williams. 10 minutes.
Thriller. Me Hopkinson. 5 minutes
3AM. Lee Matthews and Rachel Groom. 10 Minutes.
Little Fingers (Katherine Toy) Michael Moustafi. 4 Minutes.
Hysteria (Roach). Michael Moustafi. 4 Minutes.
Fear of Success ‘Calm’ (Ugly Sulk). Michael Moustafi. 11 Minutes.
Swimming Pool. Alice Vandelev-Booner . 23 Minutes.
In addition to these we also showed some films from the Bluescreen archive.
Where’s my Spleen 1 and Where’s my Spleen to. James Pendleton. 2004.
The Ram Inn. Sebastian Nolan 2004.
Who’s afeared .Borderline Jessie Tate. 2009.
Z-Girl. Pete Thomas. 2012.
Attack of the Giant Killer Robot. Jim & Alex. 2005.
We also screened some films from the archive in the 'Blue' Lounge too, including: Zombies by Al Brennard .2003 on VHS.
And thanks all for braving the rain!
We return on Nov 28th for the last Bluescreen of 2012. See you then!
27/10/12 - Halloween Event up on Afterdark site
Click link here Halloween @ Bluescreen - http://www.afterdark.co/bristol/event/10813-BLUESCREEN_HALLOWEEN
14/10/12 - Halloween Bluescreen
Scary/Horror films needed for our Oct 31st event. Spread the word. And join our Facebook Event here for further updates https://www.facebook.com/events/149208818557043/?context=create
05/10/12 - Film Databases updated!
Septembers films now added here:
28/09/12 - Bluescreen in October
Here you go, Octobers Event now up. Oct 31st, plus a sprinkling of Halloween themed films hopefully! https://www.facebook.com/events/149208818557043/?context=create
21/09/12 - Bluescreen Screenings Tomorrow & Sunday!
Saturday 22nd
Wax n Reels Cinema @ Brisfest https://www.facebook.com/events/182125825256445/
They will be screening a selection from our archives, sorry not sure what, all a bit last minute. But we will post a list on our Facebook page, if we get word of which ones they will be screening.
Sunday 23rd
Josef K @ Castle Cube http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#6865 We have put together a short compilation for this event, again will post a list of films screened if time.
21/09/12 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 19/09/12
Life and Times - Piski Films (Cube Orchestra re-score) 14.58
The Playground - Marina E 1.45
Repo Man Oh Cecil - Liam McConaghy 5.30
Kebab Killer - Santo Veeranki 8.45
I wanted to Kiss your Eyelids - Alice von Kohler 3.00
Southville - Diana Taylor 1.45
Inscribing The Dawn - Richard Broomhall 11.45
Orchestra in a Field - Richard Broomhall 7.50
8 - Gareth McLeavy 3.20
Lyrebird Soup (from 2011) - Naren Wilks 3.30
Flat Footed Apocalypse (from 2011) - Martin Lejeune 2.20
End This Dream (from 2012) - Piski Films 5.00
Collide-O-Scope (from 2012) - Naren Wilks 3.20
The Cube Orchestra were back and rescored a film and we also screened some recent films from the bluescreen archive to round off the night.
Thanks to all who came down, especially to the Filmmakers and also to Encounters Festival too.
18/09/12 - Bluescreen Tomorrow!
So we are collaborating with Encounters Short Film Festival tomorrow! Bringing you all an International flavoured Bluescreen. If you are new to Bluescreen, here's what you need to know...
Bring films down on the night, on DVD and under 20 minutes long.
No laptops please or memory sticks, DVDs work best for us.
Doors at 8pm. £3/2 entry. 1 Filmmaker per Film in Free.
See you there!
18/09/12 - Encounters Opening Ceremony Tonight!
Encounters officially kicks off Tonight, so see you at the launch! https://www.facebook.com/events/324723154289512/
02/09/12 - New Photos added from Supernormal
See About Bluescreen/Photos
01/09/12 - Bluescreen event now on Facebook...
Bluescreen at the Encounters Short Film Festival Sept 19th @ The Cube. Join our Facebook Event Page here! https://www.facebook.com/events/339992556094565/
25/08/12 - Bluescreen goes International!
Bluescreen @ The Cube Sept 19th, with Encounters Short Film Festival http://www.cubecinema.com/cgi-bin/diary/programme.pl#6424
17/08/12 - Bluescreen at Supernormal last week
Films screened at the Pentagram Cinema at Supernormal 2012...
All from our archive of yearly compilations of films...
Saturday (22.00-Midnight)
Culture Clash – Sid Sharma
Get Good – Francois
Weston-Super-Mare – Dan Blore
Night on the tiles – Nimph Productions
Tom Swindell – Mali
John Minton - What Makes you feel Alive?
Kwesi Johnson - Screen Shift Test shoot
Chuen Hung Tsang - Frangipani
Immortality - Dave Lander
As Time Goes By - Redcliffe Films
This is Brenda (Episode 3) - Brenda & Zibi
Remembering Formby - Sue Elliott
Kundama Street Song - Thetreatmentworx
Invasion of the Mutant Housewife! - Amie Nowlan
Sunday (20.00-22.30ish)
My Dream/My Reality - Jon Hardy/Scubaboy
Flat Footed Apocalypse - Martin Lejeune
10 - Greg Metcalfe
Slice of Life - Steve Beckett
Quizmaster - Sam Haire
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas
Life and Times - Piski Films
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
Nelson Street - Southsection
Seven Hills - Ben Edwards
Keeppie Uppie - James Stokes and Joe Ryan
The Ram Inn – Sebastian Nolan/Chris Bradford/James Atkinson
Rusty Road less Travelled – Woody James
Maja – Chris Barnett
Mr Hopkinsons Dancing Hula Bear Slo-mo film
Fabios Supernormal Photos
Thanks to all at Supernormal, the Pentagram Cinema and the above Filmmakers. Made great watching!
03/08/12 Films on the 2012 DVD!
Here you go...
La Plaisanterie - Jeff Notton
My Dream/My Reality - Jon Hardy/Scubaboy
Flat Footed Apocalypse - Martin Lejeune
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas
Life and Times - Piski Films
Brenda (Episode 3) - Brenda & Zibi
Remembering Formby - Sue Elliott
Kundama Street Song - Thetreatmentworx
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
Nelson Street - Southsection
Keeppie Uppie - James Stokes and Joe Ryan
Invasion of the Mutant Housewife! - Amie Nowlan
Seven Hills - Ben Edwards
10 - Greg Metcalfe
Wire Link - Harry Slinger-Thompson
Immortality - Dave Lander
Slice of Life - Steve Beckett
Boo - Oliver Hamilton
As Time Goes By - Redcliffe Films
Quizmaster - Sam Haire
03/08/12 - Bluescreen @ Supernormal Next Weekend!
Bluescreen will be screening films at Supernormal on Aug 11th & 12th - Screening the Bluescreen 2012 Compilation plus a retrospective of past films screened at Bluescreen!
Plus on the 12th we are hosting an Open Screening, so anyone going to the Festival, can bring along a film they made to screen at a 'live' Bluescreen. Find us at The Pentagram Cinema @ Supernormal, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire
28/07/12 - July's Bluescreen + Films Screened
On Wednesday night at Bluescreen we screened a total of 12 films with
a running time of approx. 100 minutes. Some regular contributors and
some first time contributors entered the dark cube on a stunningly hot
and sunny evening to show their films. The range was broad from Art film, documentary to comedy and drama. Also we were privileged to see some special effects that ranged from the distinctly fishy, thanks to Sam Iles,
to the head scratchingly complex thanks to Naren WIlks. We were also treated to some rather fabulous music and some sparkling cinematography too. Thank you all for bringing and showing your films.
We screened:
1 Selfs portrait – Sally Lifely. 4 min 13sec.
2 3rd floor 6h door – Laura Perez. 18 min
3 The yellow tie – Film School Bristol (Ian Pirrie, Lara Perez, Emma Shannon, Niamh Farrelly, Bicky Henriques, Bianca Munoz). 3 min.
4 Burn out – Director, DOP, Editor Jack Offord; Written by Jack Offord and Lorraine Blumenthal; Actor Lorraine Blumenthal. 1 min 30 sec.
5 Lyrebird soup – Director Naren Wilks; Actors Cameron Miller, Brian Elllowy, Scored by Minima, Set construction Shaun Luker. 6 min.
6 Dream – Director Sam Iles; Actors Fred Iles, Peter Harris, Duncan Bounds. 6 min. 33 sec.
7 Chess man – James Matthews Amattttama 8 min.
8 Scared - Wayne Lee. 18 min.
9 Burned out – Film School Bristol. Director Ian Pirrie; Starring Angus Brown, Matthew McGill, Raphael Duncan. 10 min.
10 Square pianos – Piski films. 7 min 49.
11 Esso man – Director Diana Taylor; Poem Rosemary Dunn. 1 min 28.
12 The Pitch – Director Hannah Petts; Asst Director Lewis Rogers; Sound Chris Worth; Editor, camera and cinematography; Actors Marley Hamilton, Chris Foster, Iain Gorrie, Darren Thompson, Andrew Wilkinson, Lewis Rogers. 15 Min.
Bluescreen is back at The Cube September 19th when we are teaming up with the ENCOUNTERS film festival at the Watershed. It’s likely to be a busy night. We’ll screen up to 180 minutes of short films. Arrive early to avoid disappointment, as films that arrive after we have filled up our time slot cannot be shown.
We compile a DVD of films every year that are suitable for festival screenings. We just finished the 2011-12 DVD and we’ll be showing this at the Supernormal festival August 10th and 11th 2012.
Thanks all for coming and thanks again for bringing in your films.
28/07/12 - Listen again to Bluescreen on the Radio!
Listen again to two thirds of Bluescreen on BCFM radio, from Tues 24th July - Talking all things Bluescreen with BCFM's Mark Le Levre...
BCFM downloadable Podcast
22/07/12 - Watch out! Bluescreen is this week!
Bluescreen will be screening your films this Wednesday 25th. Doors are open from 20.00hrs. Films on after 20.30. No Cube Orchestra this month but more time for your films! And Bluescreen Hi-fi will be in the bar all night.
And please please remember to format your films to play in a DVD player. We've had a few films recently that haven't been and sadly we couldn't screen them at all. See you all on Wednesday, looking forward to seeing
all your films!
22/07/12 - Listen up! Bluescreen are on the Radio!
Bluescreen will be on BCFM radio, on Tues 24th July from 21.00hrs - Talking all things Bluescreen. Tune in to 93.2fm or online....
BCFM Local Community Radio
14/07/12 - Bluescreen over the next coupla months..
July 25th @ The Cube.
Aug 10th & 12th @ SUPERNORMAL.
Sept 19th @ The Cube with Encounters Short Film Festival
14/07/12 - Films Needed for Supernormal
Bluescreen will be screening films at Supernormal on Aug 10th & 12th.
And on the 12th we are hosting an Open Screening, so anyone going to the Festival, can bring along a film they made to screen at a 'live' Bluescreen at The Pentagram Cinema @ Supernormal, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire
Our first festival of the summer, lets hope the sun shines!
07/07/12 - New 2008 DVD Details now up
Hi, back in 2008, we didnt do one of our yearly compilations it seems!
Well we cant find a copy, so we've done another! Details here: http://bluescreenfilms.weebly.com/film-compilations-dvd.html
And we have started looking at films for our 2012 compilation... details soon!
01/07/12 - Next Event is now up on Facebook!
Yes get your films ready because Bluescreen returns 25th July @ The Cube Cinema! - Join up to our Event Page here
17/06/12 - Film Databases Updated...
Check Films/Films Database for full lists of films we have screened since 2001 and films we have copies of in our archive. If you have screened a film at Bluescreen and yours is not in the list, then feel free to send us a copy.
14/06/12 - Films from the Archive this Sat!
Bluescreen will be screening some films from the Bluescreen Archive @ the launch party of Supernormal Festival @ The Cube Cinema this Saturday -16th June. See ya there!
09/06/12 - Films on Bluescreen's Vimeo/Youtube sites
Some Films from last months Bluescreen have now been added to our 'Favourites' on YouTube and to our 'Likes' on Vimeo sites. Enjoy the ride!
01/06/12 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 30/05
Clifton to Easton - Diana Taylor (3 min 36)
Le francaise Episode 2, Sam Haire (3 min)
Chlorpromazine .The Doubles, Tom Hall and colleagues (10 min)
Cloned, Wayne Lee (20 min)
Wonderland, Laurie Wood (13 min)
Evil Day, Piskie Films (7 min)
Keppie uppie, James Stokes and Joe Ryan (3 min)
Intensive Point Fight training, Rob Creet of AV8 Creative, (14 min)
Queen of the sky, Bruce D (9 min)
Martin Hall, The Interview (5 min)
Derien, Eric Boyd and Imogen Birdwell (4 min 30)
And apologies to:
Laura Perez, (No 3 6th Floor)
Kris Griffen and Brad Powell (6 AM)
I’m with them productions (3:00 AM)
…whose films we tried to screen, but their DVDs just wouldn’t play. But do bring along another copy to the next Bluescreen and we will screen them again then.
Kriss Griffen and Brad Powell did eventually show their film on a laptop in the bar afterwards – but we hope he’ll bring it for another Blue screen night for us to see on the big screen.
Some of the films we showed were entries for the Bristol Encounters 0117 competition – in which a film had to be made in 0117 hours or less (6 AM and Keepie Uppie) - the films will be shown at the MSHED They will be screened - and judged! - along with other entrants - as part of a celebratory event at the MSHED museum on Friday 24th June good luck to both of those films in the competition..
Martin Hall’s film ‘The interview’ was screened at the 2 Days Laughter Short Film Competition festival in Margate and won two awards for acting and one for sound! Congratulations to him and his team.
Bluescreen is back at The Cube July 25th, and with some news of a few Festival screenings over the Summer!
Thanks again for another great Bluescreen!
29/05/12 - Bluescreen Tomorrow!
Bluescreen will indeed be screening films tomorrow, kicking off around 8.30 +. Doors are at 8pm. Bluescreen Hi-fi Djing in the bar. Oh and Bring some films!
23/05/12 - 7 days to go!
Wed 30th @ 8pm. Bring films on DVD and a backup too! We've cleaned our DVD Players, so fingers crossed we might actually be able to play all your films! And dont forget its the last chance for inclusion on our annual DVD compilation, to be screened at several festivals this summer.
See you all at the Bluescreen :)
07/05/12 - Event now up on Facebook!
Bluescreen - 30th May @ The Cube Cinema - Join up here
02/05/12 - Bluescreen in May!
Hello! Bluescreen is back for its 3rd outing in 2012! And the date for your diary is 30th May.
We will also be compiling our annual DVD Compilation in June, so bring any films along which you havent screened at Bluescreen in the last 12months to get them considered. Good Filmmaking!
01/04/12 - Films added on Vimeo/Youtube
Films from last weeks Bluescreen now added to 'Favourites' on YouTube and 'Likes' on Vimeo sites. Enjoy!
28/03/12 - Films Screened at Bluescreen 28/03
Last night at Bluescreen we screened a total of 19 Films!
And here’s what we screened:
From our 2006 DVD Compilation and rescored by The Cube Orchestra:
6 Degrees of Separation by Max Broughton &
Body Language by Kwesi Johnson
Then (roughly in this order)…
Cube Membership – Cube Filmmaking Group
A Stately Façade – Holly Wicks
End This Dream – Piski Films
Boo – Oliver Hamilton
Boxy – Rob Turner
Wire Link – Harry Slinger-Thompson
Severn Hills – Ben Edwards
The Tragic Tale of Bob the Blob – Suzanne Williams
Resurfacing – Ella Watkins
What a Complete & Utter Countryside – Lee Matthews
Showreel 3 – Gareth Macleavy
TR Clemmett ‘Lady in Blue’ – Jake Chapman & Pierre
Lady Nade & The Sillouettes ‘All I Am’ – Ciaran Spencer
To finish, we screened 4 films from our 2010 DVD Compilation:
Filthy Pleasures - Tom Mansfield
Collide-O-Scope - Naren Wilks
Little Face - Matt Walker
Terminator Salvation - Jon Nobbs & Alan Mandel
Aologies to:
Wayne Lee (Cloned)
Diana Taylor (Clifton to Easton)
Sheena Vallely (3 films)
Miles Bowe (Surface Tension)
…whose films we tried to screen, but their DVDs just wouldn’t play. But please bring along another copy to the next Bluescreen and we will screen them again then.
Bluescreen is back at The Cube May 30th, and with some news of a few Festival screenings over the Summer!
Thanks all for coming and thanks again for bringing in your films!
See you all in May for another session of the best of Bristol short films!
26/03/12 - 2 days until March Bluescreen!
Get your films ready, cause Bluescreen is back this Wednesday! 8pm @ The Cube Cinema - Sign up to our Facebook Event Page here!
21/03/12 - Only 7 days to go!
Bluescreen back 28th March @ The Cube. Doors @ 8pm. £3/2 entry.
Bring films on DVD (+ a backup copy), 20min max. Films on 8.30+.
Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ in the Bar & the Cube Orchestra rescores. See below for link to Facebook Event Page & share the link!
12/03/12 - Check out some films on Vimeo/Youtube!
Bluescreen withdrawal symptoms? Check out our YouTube/Vimeo sites to soak up some films from past Bluescreens!
12/03/12 - March Event is now up on Facebook!
Start getting your films ready, cause Bluescreen is back March 28th @ The Cube Cinema - Join Us!
25/02/12 - Bluescreen Update
We have to say goodbye to Chris, who is moving onto pastures new, after 8 years (!) with Bluescreen. Has been a pleasure working with him and wish him all the very best!
So big shoes to fill and have decided to add 2 new people to the Bluescreen team! So welcome aboard Tess & Dave! You'll be seeing more of them at Bluescreen in March.
26/01/12 - Films Screened last night!
What Makes You Feel Alive? (2007) - John Minton (Cube Orchestra rescore)
Mano a Mano - Simon Downham-Knight
Move Your Body & Nelson Street - Southsection
Rabbit - Steve Beckett
Meter Man - Jonny Hickey (Intro'd by Sam)
The Tell-Tale Heart - Tom Farrell
Life and Times - Piski Films
Outlaw & Z-Girl - Pete Thomas
Farmageddon - Martin Lejeune
This is Brenda - Episode 4 - Zibbi Ambroziak
No More Ghosts - Mireia O'Prey
Equeriul Petomane - John Paul Gibbs
Tick Tock - Gary Thomas (Fast Forward)
Pink Panther - Fred Humphreys
A Stately Façade - Holly Wicks
Man vs Frisbee - Wesley Owen
Me and Reg - Lee Matthews
My Techno Heart (Melts Your Emo Dribble) - James Sampson
20 films = 2 hours 20mins screentime apparently!
Another busy Bluescreen and some really great films! Will be searching and adding films from tonight to our Favourites section on Youtube and to our Likes section on Vimeo over the next few days.
There were a couple of mystery filmmakers, who left their films but didn't stay for the screening, or maybe they were just a bit shy perhaps!?
Apologies to Diana & Imogen (DVDs didnt want to play- happy to try again in March?).
Bluescreen is back March 28th for the next screenings. Thanks all for coming and see you next time!
25/01/12 - Bluescreen is Tonight!
Doors at 8pm. Bring films on DVD & just 1 Film per Filmmaker. Gonna be another busy one! See you all later!
21/01/12 - Only a few days to next Bluescreen...
Bluescreen - January 25th @ The Cube Cinema -
Please can you bring films on DVD ONLY (USB sticks as backup are fine) and only one Film per filmmaker this month,as we still got a few to screen from November! Thanks.
See you on the 25th!
10/01/12 - Bluescreen dates almost confirmed for 2012
7 Bluescreens at the Cube this year! 1 more than last year! Go to Events/Upcoming Events for full list
02/01/12 - Januarys Event up on Facebook - Join up!
Bluescreen - January 25th @ The Cube Cinema - Sign Up here!
2011 - in Reverse........
22/12/11 - Back in 2012!
Screening again on January 25th. Happy Holidays!
14/12/11 - Check out Bluescreen on Vimeo/Youtube!
Films from Novembers Bluescreen now added!
02/12/11 - Film Databases/Blog updated!
Have added Novembers films to our Databases. Go to: Films/Film Database & Blog above
01/12/11 - Bluescreens epic last event of the Year!!
24 films screened and 3 hours 30minutes screen time! Officially the longest EVER Bluescreen!
Heres what we screened 30.11.11:
Cube Orchestra rescored: Forlorn - Chuen Hung Tsang & Chris Hawkes (2007)
Weston-Super- Mare – Diana Taylor
Quizmaster – Sam Haire
Secret Paths of Youth – Martin Hall
Hypno-Gog – Marina Ellerington
Calm by Ugly Sulk - Michael Moustafi
Flat Footed Apocalypse – Martin Lejeune
Trunk Call – Mark Salter
Trials of an Impure Heart – Kasra Karimi
Brenda (Episode 2) – Zibi Ambroziak
Code – Rob Jones
Luke & The Void – Matt Freeth
My Dream/My Reality – Jon Hardy/Scubaboy
Pod 003 – Nick Lewis/Punchdrunk
Elizabeth Tudor – Piski Films
Tape – Jack Offord
Good People - Kristen Griffin
Slice of Life – Steve Beckett
Pernickety – Holly Wicks
Against the Rails – James Ewen/Bristol Silents
Tamsin O’Brien’s Balanced Practice – Sam Roberts
Dutiful Thing – Jack Dowell & Jack Bingham
10 – Greg Metcalfe
Slugface – Hidden Shallows
Films we did not play, due to time issues, but still deserve an honourable mention:
Diana Taylor – The Waves
Marina Ellerington – The Playground
Simon Downham-Knight – Mano a Mano
Steve Beckett – Rabbit
Muscat/Southsection – Move Your Body/Nelson Street
Stantz – Dragons Theme (we tried so hard to screen this but the format to screen evaded us in the end!)
Please feel free to bring back the films (we've still got some of them) we did not screen, at Januarys Bluescreen and we will make sure we screen them first.
Thanks to all the filmmakers and everyone who came and made our last Bluescreen of the year quite an exceptional one! And a good way to end our 10th anniversary year, knowing that there is still a place for the short film format, judging from the number of films last night!
Thanks again for bearing with us and to the few who stayed to the very end!
We’re back January 25th 2012, Hopefully we may get around to the Bluescreen 10 year DVD and maybe a batch of Bluescreen 10 year T-Shirts too, possibly… See you next year!
29/11/11 - Bluescreen is Tomorrow!
Bluescreen opens its doors tomorrow at 8pm, so make sure you bring your films along and see you there, for the last Bluescreen of 2011!
26/11/11 - Check in at our Vimeo Channel!
25/11/11 - Last Bluescreen of the Year nearly here!
Its the last Bluescreen of the year, so last chance to bring along your films to screen. Looking forward to seeing some new and old films. See you there! Link to Facebook Event Page below.
Bluescreen - November 30th - Facebook Event Page - Sign Up here!
19/11/11 - Open Screening today @ 4pm!
Today at Encounters Pop Up Cinema, Park Street. Bring along your short films to screen!
15/11/11 - UPDATE Wed/Thurs @ Encounters
Wed/Thurs Screenings at The Pop Up Cinema have changed to 6-8pm . And the venue will be open from Midday - 8pm on these days. Sat/Sun times as is. Friday times TBC.
13/11/11 - Links to Encounters website
Check out the Encounters International Film Festival Website And Film Programme And Encounters Pop Up Cinema with the added bonus of Free Popcorn!
Bluescreen Open Screening @ Encounters!
Yes Bluescreen are doing an Open Screening at The Pop Up Cinema! Sat 20th Nov 4-6pm, Bring your films to screen, more details over on our Blog.
Bluescreen @ Encounters Programme up!
Go over to our Blog for Bluescreen schedule of films to be screened at The Pop Up Cinema 14-20th Nov 4-6pm daily (20th 2-4pm). All screenings at The Pop Up Cinema are FREE!!
06/11/11 - DVD Lists Updated
Check Films/Film Compilations (DVD) menu for amended lists of film compilations we have from 2003 onwards
05/11/11 - Bluescreen Retrospective @ Encounters!
We are pleased to announce we are going to be screening some films at Encounters! More details to follow but think 10 years of Bluescreen and more! In meantime follow the link below...
Check out the Encounters Pop Up Cinema link
01/11/11 - Facebook Event now setup For November
And the last event of the year, hope you can make it!
Bluescreen - November 30th - Facebook Event Page - Sign Up here!
23/10/11 - Links Page Updated
A few of our favourite sites added and/or updated!
23/10/11 - Bluescreen Facebook Group is Back!
Click here to Join Bluescreen Facebook Group
08/10/11 - Forum & Blog updated
Click on the links above and leave a comment!
29/09/11 - Database updated with new films
See Films/Films Database here: Bluescreen Film Databases .
Any incorrect info, let us know and we will update.
29/09/11 Films Screened last night at Bluescreen
Cube Orchestra rescored - The Battle of Cable Street (2005)
Marko - Haiti Kids Kino Project film
Zibi - Superstylin
Ben Dowden - Convoy (15min Excerpt from)
Sue Elliott - Remembering Formby
Brenda & Zibi - Brenda (Episode 3)
Amie Nowlan - Invasion of the Mutant Housewife!
Holly Wicks - Prickly Relationships
Al - Toothbrush
Adam Richardson - Grafitti
Adam Richardson - Kundama Street Song
Andrew Williams - Lugbury Long Barrow
Andrew Williams - Civil War in Chippenham
Albert Thomas - 50 Not Out
Javied Idrees - Our Day Out
Diana Taylor - Tescopoly
Diana Taylor - Arabian Eruption
Another great turnout! And some great films! We screened 17 films in all, with a total film running time of 112 minutes! Thank you all!
But being Bluescreen the evening didnt exactly go without incident...
So apologies to Rob Turner, whose film wouldnt work at all. And to the other 3 people whose film fell foul of one of our DVD players. 3 films got "stuck" in the DVD player and we couldnt get them out. Eventually we managed to retrieve and play them (or people had a backup copy) in our other DVD Player. (Always best to bring a backup copy just in case!).
Apart from that it all went swimmingly!
Bluescreen is back Nov 30th, but we may also be doing something before then, so watch this space! And thanks again to all who came last along night!
25/09/11 - This Wednesday - Bluescreen is Back!
Doors open at 8pm. Filmmakers in for Free, but only one per film though, sorry. Everyone else £3/2 in.
Bring films on the night, 20mins and under and put them in the lovingly covered Bluescreen Film Box (!) at Front of House and just fill in the film/filmmakers details. Simple as that!
Plus Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs in the bar all night from 8pm and Films on from 8.30+. And maybe a rescore from the Cube Orchestra and some films from the Archives too! See you there!
14/09/11 - Its only 2 weeks to the next BLUESCREEN!
...So time enough to finish up your final edits on your films and get them ready for screening at Bluescreen! Link to FB Event Page here:
05/09/11 - Cube Cinema September Programme is out! And with added Bluescreen Images!
And with a piece inside on Bluescreen's past!
02/09/11 - 27 Days to go...until Bluescreen returns!
Event Page now up on Facebook, join here:
07/08/11 - Bluescreen mentioned in The Guardian!
Check this out; The Cube Cinema was in the Guardians top 10 of best Cinema experiences in Britain! And Bluescreen was also mentioned in the writeup on The Cube! Read in full here:
21/07/11 - Festival Screening coming up!
Compass Film CIC (http://compassfestival.blogspot.com/) will be screening films from Bluescreens 2010 +11 shortfilm compilations (Potentially 24 films!) at Nozstock in Herefordshire 29-31 July! (http://www.nozstock.com/line-up/cinetent/)
13/07/11 - Films Announced for new DVD Compilation!!
Yes check in Films/Film Compilations (DVD)/2011 for full list. And congratulations to the filmmakers! One festival screening almost confirmed for end of July..
09/07/11 - Films & Events Updated...
Check in Films/Film Database to see Film Databases updated with July films & Events/Past Events updated with a few more events..
07/07/11 - Films Screened last night at Bluescreen..
Womens Voices - Chris Barnett (Rescored by The Cube Orchestra)
Mapuche - Daniel Linker
The Man Who Was Afraid Of Falling - Joseph Wallace
La Plaisanterie - Jeff Notton
To My Boy "Hello Horizon" - Matt Freeth
Immortality - Dave Lander
Species - Southsection
Main Vain - Southsection
Electric Paint Bomb Guitar - Matthew Rushton
As Time Goes By - Redcliffe Films
Run - Redcliffe Films
Plus from the last year....
Burly - Rob Turner
Lyrebird Soup - Naren Wilks
Bristol 24 Hour Time Lapse - Microfilm
Beside Myself - Microfilm
Deconstruction - David Lander
Portrait of a Frenchman - Sam Haire
Test - Claire Alberie
Drained - Sarah Jayne Learmonth
Optimum - Southsection
Recycled Teenagers - Zibi Ambroziak
The Cube - Danae & Sigi
El Griffini: Portrait of the Genius - Kristen Griffin
The Wurzels "Ruby" - James Reed
Another busy evening at Bluescreen! Thanks again for all the films! And thanks to the Cube Orchestra, who also entertained while we were busy sorting the films! Great to see so many people and thanks for the nice comments about Bluescreen! Its very appreciated.
We have a new 2011 Compilation almost ready, a bit of a clue in the other films we screened last night! We may be showing films at a festival at the end of July, more details soon! Bluescreen is back at The Cube Sept 28th. See you then.
16/06/11 - New Bluescreen Facebook Page!!
We've had to set a new FB Page up and here it is! Old one is dead long live the new! Join us!
15/06/11 - 3 weeks to go!
Yes only 3 weeks until the next Bluescreen!
Click here for Facebook Event page
29/05/11 - Films added on YouTube & Vimeo
Some Films from May's Bluescreen have been add to our Favourites on YouTube & Vimeo, follow the links..............
Bluescreen on YouTube
Bluescreen on Vimeo
28/05/11 - Next Bluescreen Short films Screening...
....Is Wed July 6th @ 8pm @ The Cube Cinema, Bristol. Filmmakers free. Everyone else £3. Short Films+Rescores+Orchestra+DJs.
25/05/11 - Films shown last night at Bluescreen
James Pendlington - Kite
Chris Rosam - The Artefact
James Stokes - Tripping
Jack Offord - Bristol Textures
Mark Le-Leivre - Picnic in the Rain
Naren Wilks - Journey on a Bus
Taran Burns - The Hulk of Smaller Proportions
Claire Alberie - Test
Claire Alberie - Cash & Carrie
? (Part of Mini Masterpieces) - Drained
Chris B - Amnesty Action
Chris B - Banksy
Wow! Yet again some great films! No Cube Orchestra last night, so it was straight into the films...until a slight tech problem occurred & we had to take an earlier break than intended while quick repairs were made. But all went ok after! Thanks for bearing with us and thanks to all who came last night and especially those who brought along films! See you July 6th for the next screenings and maybe a Festival screening before then tbc.
22/05/11 - Bluescreen on BCfm Radio - Podcast up!
Pin back your ears & listen again to The Movies & Music Show on BCfm, first aired on 21/05/11 at Midday, with us as guests - Bluescreen! Thanks again Mark!
CLICK HERE: Bluescreen on BCfm Podcast 21/05/11.mp3
AND if you missed it, heres our appearance on the show back in March:
CLICK HERE: Bluescreen on BCfm Podcast 12/03/11.mp3
18/05/11 - Short Film Night Tomorrow!
At The Motorcycle Showroom, Stokes Croft @ 8pm. Some films screened before at Bluescreen will be shown as part of the event. http://whatwillwedowhen.wordpress.com/short-film-night/
16/05/11 - Bluescreen Screenings back next week!
Wed 25th @ 8pm. See you there!
13/05/11 - Bluescreen back on the Radio!
21st May @ Midday on The Movies & Music Show on BCfm 93.2fm. Talking Bluescreen. Tune in!
02/05/11 - NEW Facebook Event 25th May setup
Click here for Facebook Event page
01/05/11 - Bluescreen DVD Compilations now listed
All the films we have put on Compilations and shown at Festivals are now up in Films/Film Compilations (DVD)
28/04/11 - Bluescreen Film Databases - Now here!
So we have gone and done it and compiled a database of all films screened at Bluescreen since 2001! Phew! Plus another database of films that we have copies of in our archive! If you have any further info, please get in touch. Go to Films/Film Database and re-live the memories!
05/04/11 - Past Festivals List added!
Have added a list of past Festivals we have screened at and other events we have put on too! Check Events/Past Events pages.
Bluescreen 30/03/11
Epic night! The Cube was packed to the rafters! We screened altogether 24 films!!!! Amazing! Great Films every one!
Thanks to everyone who came along and thanks for bearing with us. And a big thank you to all Cube Staff working last night, The Orchestra & Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJ too. And lastly thank you Filmmakers! Comeback again in May!
Heres the list of films:
The Cube Orchestra – Rescored 2 Tasha Hollywood animations
(VHS 2003)
The Cube Orchestra – Rescored Chris B – Timelapse (2010)
Martin/Steve/Danae – The Trinket
Steve Coggins – Cosmos: the Space Core
Southsection – Optimum
Southsection – Elemental Shift
Zibi & Brenda – Brenda
Naren Wilks – Lyrebird Soup
Danae & Sigi – The Cube
Kasra Karimi – Chase Sequence
Jack Offord – Closer than you think
Ruzhin Babaie – We Wanted to tell a Memoir
Ruzhin Babaie – Living is Leaving But
Zibi Ambroziak – Recycled Teenagers
Sam Haire – Portrait of a Frenchman
Rob Turner – Burly
Matt Rushton – Starvin
Matt Rushton – Holiday
Kasra Karimi – The Time Machine
James P – Zombie Ahoy!
Dan Petley – Jobsleeves
Mark Le-Leivre – Twins of Evil/Bun
And details for call out for films for the Motorcycle Showroom event 12th May, please contact [email protected]. We will hopefully be showing some past Bluescreen films there too.
And contact details for Mark at BCfm are on our Links page
The Next Bluescreen is May 25th. See you then!