Cube Orchestra rescore: Gordon Emmanuel - Atem (2009)
Cube Orchestra rescore: Tom Mansfield - Felix Machines (2009)
Diana Taylor - Pets in Space
Regine Babaei - The Upper Road
Richard Broomhall - Scribbled between Photons
Jez Toogood - Gravel Eye
Jez Toogood - Frome Voices
Daniel Landau - Waves
Quizmaster - Sam Haire (2012)
Z-Girl - Pete Thomas (2012)
Thank you to everyone who came to bring their films.
You brought a mix of experimental documentary, documentary, drama, music film and art installation. The films were varied and hugely captivating making for a rich and detailed evening of viewing.
Breaking from our usual format we introduced a discussion section. We chose to do this following some interesting discussions in the bar. We thought it would be good to extend this exchange of questions in private conversations to the whole audience. So after the break some filmmakers came to the front of the auditorium where they answered questions about the concepts behind their films and how they had come to make some of their decisions. Many many thanks to Regine, Jez and Dani for doing this and for everyone in the audience who asked their questions. Through this process I feel I learned so much more about the films and filmmakers and it felt very rewarding. Thanks to the Cube Orchestra for the live rescore – it was exciting and dynamic. And thank you to Tom for DJ-ing in the bar.
The next Bluescreen at The Cube is September 25th. See you there.